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Key points of enterprise marketing website planning

You may be interested in Marketing website There is a misunderstanding. Generally speaking, this type of website is based on search engine optimization rather than what others call "high-end website". From the website itself, Marketing Website construction What factors need to be done in website design, construction and promotion?

 Enterprise marketing website planning key website building information

1. The website must have a reasonable structure.

Logical structure and physical structure are the basis of a website, such as column configuration, bottom navigation, page layout, etc.

However, some enterprises put some unimportant information on the key position of the home page, and these often have no connection with products and brands. At best, they are just beautiful, and can not bring actual benefits to enterprises. Therefore, the key position is best to put product brand related content, which can help improve product sales and give users the best display effect.

2. The simpler the functions of the new enterprise website, the better

Because enterprises are not big brands with high user loyalty, they are basically new users in the early stage, and the proportion of old users will be very small. From this, you can imagine that if your website functions are too complex, users will not form a good experience, and will think that it will not be used and difficult to use when browsing. Not all people have the patience to discuss how to use your website, and can only choose to leave the website. Therefore, we should make the website as simple as possible, so that the probability of users choosing a deal will be greatly improved.

3、 The effect of website page design

Most enterprises pay too much attention to the beauty of the page, thinking that the cooler and brighter the website is the user's favorite. This idea is wrong. No matter how beautiful a website is, users will only think it looks good, but it can't solve the needs of users. Marketing Station construction Compared with ordinary websites, it has obvious advantages in optimization. Now most enterprises begin to pay attention to website marketing.

Marketing website construction What to do:

1、 Instructions for Marketing based Station Construction

1. Website code needs to be simplified

2. The website structure should conform to search engine optimization, such as breadcrumb navigation, tree structure, and short URL hierarchy

3. The website needs a section with updated content, such as news, company news, etc

2、 Precautions for marketing type station building

In the process of building a website, the marketing website needs to pay attention to the compatibility of the website with the browser version, the functions of the website content management system and the stability of the server selection.

1. The user experience of the website is better

When building a website, the first thing to consider is the user experience. To meet the needs of users through the services provided by enterprises and the pain points of the industry, marketing websites should have the basic function of communicating with users, improve the credibility of the website, and improve the user experience by improving the value of the website. Therefore, the value conversion rate of marketing websites is very high.

2. Pay more attention to website details

An important prerequisite for improving user experience is to pay attention to website details. Today's users are detail oriented, and detail is an important element of the customer experience. In terms of content maintenance in marketing websites, each page can specify a jump to consult advertising copy, and formulate a series of sorting plans for user questions and answers, so as to retain users in the details of the website, and let users actively contact you.

3. Reasonable website key word layout

The foundation of a marketing website is established according to the algorithm and rules of the search engine. Therefore, when building a marketing website, enterprises need to make keywords appear in every page where the search engine starts to crawl according to the SEO operation rules, and ensure that there is no dead link in the whole website, and the internal links of the website can connect to the whole site. This is also the reason why even new marketing websites can be quickly included in the search engine. So when we do marketing websites, we should reasonably design the web page effect. Although good-looking websites are more popular, don't neglect the search engines and our sales intentions. Understand that all content should exist to assist in sales, and not be reversed.

Finally, the marketing promotion of the website. Even if the website is satisfied with the above three conditions, it cannot help the enterprise to make profits. Even if all aspects of the website are well done, meeting these conditions does not mean that there will be users who can find your website. There is no such good thing in the world. Therefore, after the website is ready, we need to promote it by using various promotion means such as SEM and SEO. On the basis of conditions, we have done all the channels that can be promoted, so that the website will have a continuous flow, there will be deals, and there will be dividends.

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