
  • Quantity limit

    Items with a quantity limit will reset after 48 hours. Limits are tracked by account, payment method, phone number, etc. Cancelled orders do not count towards your limit.
  • Ordering an out-of-stock item

    When an item is out of stock, you can either select backorder, or if available; the Auto-Notify button, in which we will email you as soon as we receive more inventory.
  • Environmental Handling Fees (EHF)

    Several provinces have enacted regulations which impose environmental handling fees ("EHF") on purchases of certain consumer electronic products. EHF amounts vary by province.
  • Sales Tax exemption

    To be exempt from Sales Tax or renew your tax exemption, please send an email along with your tax exempt...
  • Why can’t I cancel my order?

    If you can't cancel your order and don't see that option available, then the order is now past or in the packaging stage. However you do have a few options.
  • View or print your invoice

    After your order is processed, you can access an electronic copy of your invoice directly within your account. You can...