Numbering center > network game >Shenwu 3 Cute Favorite Luxury Gift Bag

Shenwu 3 Cute Favorite Luxury Gift Bag- Online game novice card collection


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Game type: role playing
Game screen: 2.5D
System: PC
Operating company: Duoyi Network
surplus 97% stock

Introduction to the game&card number details

If you cannot receive it normally, please select Taohao!

Activation description:

Valid period of card number: January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018

Activation condition: role level ≤ 20; One account can only activate the novice gift package once; Mutually exclusive with other novice cards.

Activation method: Talk to the "Gift Bag Genie" in Qinghe Town (85, 42), select the option "Novice Card and Other Gift Bags", and enter the Novice Card number in the pop-up interface to get the "Novice Gift Bag"!

Gift package details:

Super cute and popular novice pet auspicious, powerful pet outfit, Huantong Pill, treasure map, Yaochi jade paste, nine color nectar and other rich rewards are all in the novice card! These include:

Cute pet auspicious: popular cute pet auspicious, combo skills sweep the army!

Cute Baby Gourd: Dumb Baby Gourd, a must kill skill can seal the throat!

Powerful pet equipment: ancient rattan armour of thorn thorn, which can quickly improve combat power; Starlight amulet, directly increase pet skills!

Huantong Pill: Let pets return to baby form, refresh their qualifications, and gain new life!

Treasure Map: Follow the map, dig for treasures, and rich rewards are waiting for you!

Flying flag bag: Let you travel through the three worlds as you like!

Jianghu Chronicle: It contains a lot of experience of people, helping you upgrade quickly!

Introduction to the game:

Shenwu 3 is a round based online game launched by Duoyi Network in 2017, with a new character style and a new interface style; Social companionship, and the Guild Villa seeks friends; Recreation fosters play, and business deals with the rich; There are also pet system, mount system, children system and other special play methods for you to experience!

In order to maintain a good environment for the game, please do not use Shenwu 3 External third-party software!

Notice for Receiving Numbers

You need to log in to get it. The receiving conditions are slightly different according to the different games. Taohao doesn't need any points. The reservation number is notified at the first time and is not automatically issued.
1. If you are lucky to get an activation code/novice card in the number area, the system will automatically save it to your personal card storage box or send a forum SMS message for you. Please within 1 hour Go to the official for activation, After 2 hours This card number will automatically enter the Taohao area.
2. Individual test numbers/novice cards with small quantity and large demand will be issued within the set time limit.
3. The activation code/novice card existing in Taohao area has been received by others in the number receiving area and is likely to have been used.

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