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The headmaster who announced his mobile phone number replied to more than 30000 messages, saying to the graduates: refuse to worry

The headmaster who announced his mobile phone number replied to more than 30000 messages, saying to the graduates: refuse to worry
09:45, June 17, 2024 author Seven ring video
 The headmaster who announced his mobile phone number replied to more than 30000 messages, saying to the graduates: refuse to worry The headmaster who announced his mobile phone number replied to more than 30000 messages, saying to the graduates: refuse to worry
[The president who announced his mobile phone number replied to more than 30000 messages, and he sent a message to graduates: refuse anxiety] On June 16, Kong Jianyi, president of Wuhan Institute of Technology and Technology, sent a message to graduates at the graduation ceremony: refuse anxiety and impetuosity. Three years ago, Kong Jianyi announced his mobile phone number. So far, he has received more than 30000 short messages. All students try their best to solve their reasonable demands. In addition, on April 23, 2023, Wuhan Institute of Technology and Technology launched the public opinion feedback platform of school conditions "President Direct Train". Up to now, the "Direct Train for Principals" has received more than 3300 items from students, including the collision of electric bicycles on campus, the failure to choose elective courses, the lack of sockets in the study room, and the failure to set up a test site for French Test Band Four... The average completion time is 11.9 hours, and the one-time resolution rate is 98%.
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