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On a steep slope of 83.9%, Weipai New Mocha Hi4 can still cope easily!

On a steep slope of 83.9%, Weipai New Mocha Hi4 can still cope easily!
11:00, June 9, 2024 author Pang Ge Car Channel
 On a steep slope of 83.9%, Weipai New Mocha Hi4 can still cope easily! On a steep slope of 83.9%, Weipai New Mocha Hi4 can still cope easily!
#Pang Ge Auto Channel [Super Words] # # Pang Ge Dou Show Field # Weipai New Moka Hi4 can still easily cope with the 83.9% steep slope! This is much more powerful than us and the TAs in two drive~
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From: Beijing
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