Men often love "androgynous" women most

I'm Wei Tingting


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In the maze of love, men's descriptions of their ideal partners are always full of mystery and variety.

However, there is one characteristic of women that always seems to easily touch the heartstrings of men, that is, "androgynous" women.

They not only have the femininity and delicacy of women, but also have the tenacity and independence of men. This unique charm makes men fall for it.

1、 Unique double charm

The reason why "androgynous" women attract men lies in their unique dual charm.

They are both gentle and considerate women, and can give men meticulous care and care; There are also men's determination and tenacity, which can support and encourage men when they need.

This dual charm makes men find unprecedented satisfaction and dependence on them.

As the writer Zhang Ailing said, "Women should be strong. Just is not stubborn and aggressive. It is a noble personality. Men should be soft. It is humility and respect for people."

The androgynous woman just integrates the hardness and softness into one, and becomes an irresistible presence in the heart of men.

2、 Deep understanding and resonance

In the process of pursuing love, men are often eager to find a partner who can truly understand themselves and resonate with them. And "androgynous" women just have this ability.

They can not only understand men's way of thinking and emotional needs, but also give men more delicate care and support from the perspective of women.

This deep understanding and resonance made men feel unprecedented ease and comfort in front of them.

Psychologist Freud said: "Love is a kind of understanding, a kind of tacit understanding of the soul."

It is through their unique dual charm that androgynous women make men find this understanding and tacit understanding in them, and thus fall in love with them deeply.

3、 Partners growing together

In a love relationship, common growth is one of the important factors to maintain feelings. The "androgynous" women often become the best partners for men to grow together.

They can not only support and encourage men in their pursuit of careers, but also help and guide men when they face difficulties.

This process of growing together not only makes men feel the sweetness and happiness of love, but also makes them grow into better themselves in the company of each other.

As the famous philosopher Nietzsche said: "Marriage is the combination of two people's spirits, and the purpose is to overcome all the hardships of the world together."

The androgynous women are the best partners for men to overcome difficulties in marriage. Their existence makes men feel the power and beauty of love.

4、 Charm of independent personality

In addition to the above three points, "androgynous" women also have a charm of independent personality.

They can not only maintain their independence and personality characteristics, but also show a gentle and considerate side in love.

This charm of independent personality makes men see a unique style different from that of traditional women in them, which makes them even more attracted.

The writer Yi Shu said, "A real lady with temperament never shows off what she has. She doesn't tell people what books she has read, where she has been, how many clothes she has bought, and what jewelry she has bought, because she has no sense of inferiority."

This is true of androgynous women, who do not need to show off to prove their value, but conquer men's hearts through their unique charm.

5、 Symbol of wisdom and courage

Finally, "androgynous" women are also symbols of wisdom and courage. They can show extraordinary wisdom and courage when facing life challenges, and become the role model and pillar in men's hearts.

This wisdom and courage not only let men see the hope and power of life in them, but also let them feel proud and proud of it.

As the famous thinker Aristotle said: "Courage is the inevitable result of wisdom and a certain degree of cultivation."

It is through their wisdom and courage that androgynous women become the ideal partner and soul mate of men.


To sum up, the reason why "androgynous" women become one of men's favorite objects is that they exude unique dual charm, deep understanding and resonance, partners who grow together, charm of independent personality, and symbols of wisdom and courage.

These characteristics make men find unprecedented satisfaction and dependence in them, and thus fall in love with them deeply.

In the world of love, androgynous women are like a unique landscape, which makes men fall in love with them.

Published in: Sichuan

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