Figure The Secret of "No Light" after 100.pdf

Figure Number Room


Are you sure you want to stop following this person

The beginning of summer has passed, and many places have welcomed the first high temperature of this year.

The sun is shining and the heat wave is coming. If you walk on the road, you will find that simple sunscreen application is outdated, Some people have been fully armed early, focusing on 360 degree all-round beekeepers with no dead angle to wear sunscreen. Hard core sunscreen with hats, sunglasses, masks, ice sleeves, gloves and clothes is the main theme of this summer.

You must have heard the classic saying: "Raising children does not necessarily prevent old age, sun protection must prevent old age" However, such a brain racking sunscreen operation has become a shackle in daily life. In this era of "sunscreen first", how many people have been emptied of their wallets by sunscreen anxiety?

Sun protection is a commonplace topic. From "fear of tanning" to "fear of aging", from special supply in summer to standing all the year round, Contemporary people attach more importance to sunscreen than we can imagine.

If you still think that sunscreen only stays at the stage of sunscreen and sunshade, you are totally wrong.

as everyone knows, The daily sunscreen methods are generally divided into chemical sunscreen and physical sunscreen. Today's chemical sunscreen has evolved from sunscreen and sunscreen spray to sunscreen air cushion and sunscreen foundation with sunscreen effect and Simple chemical sunscreen can no longer meet people's growing "sunscreen heart". People also need physical sunscreen. Sun umbrellas and sun hats are almost necessary for people In addition, products such as sunscreen gloves and sunscreen masks have also been derived, Sun protection products have evolved to "next level".

Sun protection artifacts have become "amulets" in summer.

In order to protect themselves from the sun, people even hesitate to "arm themselves" and wrap themselves up from head to foot, turning into a "walking sunshade" : Apply a thick layer of sunscreen before going out. The sunscreen clothes that grow to the feet are the daily "battle robes". The sunscreen masks that cover half of the face, together with black sunglasses, and then put on a sunshade with sunscreen power>99%, focusing on a 360 degree all-round sunscreen without dead corners. From a distance, I can't see who is opposite.

There are also all the same sunscreen clothes on the street. Sitting together can even "dissipate happiness", and a neck to neck sunscreen mask exclusive to migrant workers who ride to work At present, sunscreen products have become a must for most people in summer. Who hasn't spent money on sunscreen? People who are deeply worried about sunscreen have created a 10 billion market through buying and selling.

In the past 10 years, China's sunscreen market has continued to expand. According to the data, China's sunscreen market will reach 18.3 billion in 2023, with a year-on-year growth of 15.9%, In 2025, China's sunscreen market will reach 21.9 billion yuan. The compound growth rate from 2022 to 2027 is expected to be as high as 9.7%, with considerable growth momentum.

Under the huge scale of the industry, more hot than midsummer, is the endless sun protection brands.

Not only do traditional sunscreen products such as sunscreen and sunscreen spray continue to be upgraded and optimized, but also the clothing industry is unwilling to lag behind, New and old brands have started sun protection business, which is bound to share in the sun protection market With unique design, fashionable style and efficient sunscreen function, various sunscreen clothes quickly occupied the sunscreen market.

From sports brands to fashion brands, from outdoor equipment to daily leisure, sunscreen clothing has become a new trend in the clothing market. But if you look closely, you will find that, Nowadays, the price of sunscreen clothes is getting more and more expensive, often hundreds of yuan. Some sunscreen clothes even advertise the function of skin care.

How should consumers choose to accelerate the "revitalization" of brands?

To say that hard sunscreen is popular on all platforms and occupies all people's minds, the first thing that cannot escape is under the banana.

Around 2013, Jiaoxia came into being , launched the capsule small black umbrella, with the advantages of small size and easy storage, high appearance, and the exciting sunscreen effect claimed in the advertisement, it directly hit the pain points of urban women and became a popular online product. After that, Jiaoxia pursued the success and launched a variety of sunscreen products, such as sunscreen hats and clothes.

A few years ago, when consumption upgrading was still the dominant trend in China, enthusiastic entrepreneurs shouted, "All brands can be redone." At that time, Some people even summed up a popular formula: the best money=5000 small red books+2000 Zhihu Q&A+Weiya Li Jiaqi bringing goods.

Jiaoxia knows his way well. According to the prospectus, In 2021 alone, Jiaoxia has cooperated with 600 bloggers, creating billions of visitors. In one month, Jiaoxia cooperated with Li Jiaqi three times and appeared in other broadcast rooms with 63 anchors of different sizes. There are many stars who cooperate with Jiaoxia to promote. The same style of stars makes Jiaoxia even better.

All pervasive publicity and marketing has firmly bound sunscreen, aging and whitening, making the "Chinese people who love sunscreen all their lives" even more obsessed.

Businesses have firmly grasped the psychology of consumers Afraid of heat and airtight, then add mint and xylitol to the clothes, claiming to let people cool down in the summer The name has also been upgraded. Ice shreds, ice skins, and cold skins, with a uniform blue background, make people feel refreshed.

There are also endless styles The loose ones include cloaks, shoulders and shawls, and the ones that show the body should be slim and mermaid. From chest to foot in length. All kinds of products are targeted to different groups and scenes, focusing on one demand to cover all.

However, in fact, no matter how many jobs and words are piled up, they are almost the same in terms of materials, processes and UV protection.

The figure counting room has sorted out 9 types of sunscreen clothes, There are hot brands, white brands and expensive brands on the brand, and the price also covers the middle low high. It was found that, Regardless of the price of sunscreen clothing, the main material is nylon, and the UV protection index is mostly UPF50+ In terms of sunscreen technology, most of them are original yarns. The original yarn is a kind of yarn that is added with reflective ultraviolet ray raw materials when making synthetic fibers. Compared with the auxiliary sunscreen and coating sunscreen that dip the finished fabric in the anti ultraviolet chemical agent, the original yarn is more resistant to water washing.

However, some insiders once said that, Nylon is a kind of high-end cloth, and the price is only about 30 to 40 yuan per meter The material for making a dress is about one meter. Some brands will use dyeing and printing, which will increase the cost by 10 yuan.

In terms of technology, the original yarn and dyeing auxiliaries are mostly used for sunscreen clothes. The cost of anti UV additives is about 150 yuan per kilogram, and only 3% of the weight of a garment will be used. Although the original yarn is more advanced, it is simply to melt anti ultraviolet additives into the yarn in advance and then use them to make sunscreen clothes.

So despite the brand premium and other reasons, the cost of a simple sunscreen is actually low.

According to the Evaluation of Textile UV Protection Performance issued by AQSIQ, UPF>40+, UVA

The UV barrier rate of UPF40+has reached 97.5%, and that of UPF50+has risen to 98%. Therefore, some consumers see that it is unnecessary for businesses to buy a sunscreen coat at a high price with the gimmick of UPF2000.

But here's a word, Even an ordinary umbrella has the protection ability of UPF10, which can block 90% of ultraviolet rays.

After the beginning of summer, people's attention to sunscreen is also increasing. Weibo # sunscreen # topic has reached 2.45 million discussions and 2.52 billion readings. Many netizens insist on fully armed sunscreen in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and their skin cannot see any light.

Is this "beekeeper" type of sunscreen necessary to maintain health and beauty, or is it a follower of marketing brainwashing?

As mentioned above, sunscreen mainly protects against ultraviolet rays. Long wave ultraviolet (UVA) and medium wave ultraviolet (UVB) can penetrate the cuticle of the skin, enter the epidermis and dermis, activate the melanin in the skin tissue, and make the skin dark, sunburnt, aging and wrinkled.

The harm of ultraviolet rays to human beings is far greater than that of suntanned skin. It is the culprit of some malignant diseases.

According to the World Health Organization, In 2020, "overexposure to ultraviolet light" led to 1.2 million cases of non melanoma skin cancer and 325000 cases of skin melanoma It is estimated that 18 million people worldwide are blind due to cataract, of which about 10% may be caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Ultraviolet rays are so terrible, so do we need 360 ° non dead angle protection all day long? The answer is no.

To measure the intensity of ultraviolet rays in the sun, you should look at the ultraviolet index. It refers to the intensity of ultraviolet radiation when the sun is at the highest point in the sky in a day, which usually occurs in the four hours between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. The Central Meteorological Observatory of China divides the UV index into five grades according to the intensity value, and gives different sunscreen recommendations from the weakest to the strongest

According to the official sun protection measures, when the UV index is at the "weakest" level, if it is not a long-term outdoor activity, no protective measures need to be taken. At the "medium" level 3, it is recommended to wear a sun hat and apply sunscreen. When the UV index reaches "very strong" level 5, outdoor activities are not recommended.

In real life, how about the outdoor UV intensity? Do you really need to do sunscreen all the year round?

According to the "National Key Cities UV Intensity Map" issued by the Central Meteorological Administration, Many cities are really sunnier than we know. This spring equinox, the ultraviolet intensity in most parts of the country reached "strong" and "very strong".

Moreover, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is not only determined by season, but also affected by latitude, altitude, cloud layer, ground reflection and other factors. As shown in the above figure, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation is very weak even in the south area with the strongest sunshine and continuous rain on the summer solstice. On a sunny winter day, although the northern area has a short light duration, the ultraviolet intensity will be relatively strong due to the lack of cloud cover.

However, in real life, except for construction workers, sanitation workers, couriers, athletes and other specific occupations, most people will not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, and will not receive so much ultraviolet radiation.

For people who mainly engage in indoor activities, only a few hours such as commuting and walking can get in the sun. If they wrap themselves in dumplings all the year round, it is easy to cause excessive sunscreen.

In 2022, a medical research in Shanghai found that 51.66% of the more than 20000 respondents were deficient in vitamin D, and 35.20% were deficient in vitamin D. Surprisingly, The youth aged 18-25 years old had the highest rate of vitamin D deficiency, with 82.6% women. Women aged 18-25 years old, this group is completely consistent with the largest user group of sunscreen products.

Vitamin D is rarely ingested through diet, and its supplementation is mainly made by the human body after being exposed to the sun. Lack of vitamin D will affect the absorption of calcium by the human body, which may easily lead to osteoporosis, multiple fractures, and even cardiovascular and nervous system diseases.

In addition, when the sun shines on the skin, the vitamin D3 produced by the human body will make the brain secrete serotonin, thus making people feel happy and full. No wonder "20 minutes in the park" has become popular recently, bathing in bright sunshine and enjoying flowers can really sweep away the gloom inside.

Moderate sunscreen is beneficial to health. The goal of sunscreen is to live a happier life. However At the moment of marketing information bombardment, we are more or less burdened with sunscreen anxiety.

When we start to protect ourselves from the sun, it means that we use consumerism to imprison ourselves and spend a lot of money, Sacrifice comfort and health, Instead, the gains outweigh the losses.

Are you ready to embrace the sunshine this summer?

Published in: Beijing

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