Woman, when a man treats you like this, it means he has a high rank

Summer MO


Are you sure you want to stop following this person


01. Preface

When you meet the right person, you will feel that life is full of sunshine and hope, and every day is so bright.

However, in the emotional world, not everyone is so lucky to be able to hold hands with the right person for the rest of his life.

Many times, you have delivered all your heart and poured your youth and enthusiasm into this relationship, but in the end, you find that the other person is not worth it.

If a man treats you like this, it means that he has a high rank and should be alert.

02. When something goes wrong, blame you: What's wrong

Fan Yao, the reader, confided to me, saying:

My mother-in-law is a very mean and critical person. No matter what I do or how I change it, my mother-in-law always seems to be able to find my mistakes and make me feel depressed.

Once, I quarreled with my mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law told my husband by phone, and I also want to wait for him to come back from work to evaluate.

When my husband came home, he asked me with a somber face: What's wrong with you and my mother? Do you know how important the project I am working on is? The company leaders are staring at it. Can you stop?

I haven't said anything yet. My husband, who only heard one side of my mother-in-law, blamed me for all the responsibilities and asked me to apologize to her.

At that moment, my heart suddenly died.

The man who blames you when things happen shows that he hates you more than cares about you.

His words are full of impatience, and when you are not aware of it, you put your responsibility on the table.

A man can only blame you, which means that he does not recognize you and is unwilling to share for you when encountering frustrations.

He will take your efforts as a matter of course, but transfer the responsibility he should have taken to you.

At the same time, he is also using this way to attack your self-confidence and make you more humble.

03. Be used to magnify the value of your efforts and belittle you

It is a kind of calculation for a man to magnify his own value and get used to belittling you.

In The Dream of Success, Sun Xin was moved by Wu Jiang's persistence and waiting, and finally agreed to his pursuit.

While introducing himself to the people around him to find a beautiful and capable girlfriend, Wu Jiang suppresses Sun Xin at work and prevents her from getting promoted.

On the surface, he said to Sun Xin that he did so in order not to give others a handle, saying that he was selfish. In fact, deep down, he didn't want Sun Xin to surpass him in his career.

When Sun Xin finished her maternity leave and was going back to work, Wu Jiang deliberately lied.

He said that the company had hired another person to replace her, which made her give up the idea of going back to work.

Wu Jiang also kept hitting her, saying that she had left the workplace and had not brought projects for a long time, so no one would trust her with the work.

Sun Xin was very depressed during that time, and she began to doubt herself because of the repeated blows. Whether you really have to give up your career and become a housewife.

A man is used to magnifying his own value, which shows that his method is very clever.

He stood at the commanding height of his feelings without leaving any trace.

He belittles a woman in order to destroy her self-confidence, so that she can only rely on him and obey his orders.

He is unwilling to give you the most basic respect, and always wants to gain the upper hand and better control over you.

04. Keep you in captivity so that you can cut off your friendship and kinship

If a man really loves you, he will hope you are happy and have a more perfect life.

Only the men who love you not pure enough will keep you in captivity and prevent you from flying to a broader sky.

If you want to run your own circle of friends, he will find all kinds of excuses to stop you and demote your friends to nothing. It is suggested that you break off contact as soon as possible.

If you want to go back to your parents' home and be filial to your parents, men will strongly oppose it.

He has his own way of saying that when you are with him, you are his family. You should pay for the family wholeheartedly and not have any connection with the previous life.

He treats you as his private property, does not allow you to have your own thoughts and life, and does not care about your feelings.

Zhang Ailing said: "I think love can fill the regrets of life, but it is love that makes more regrets."

Men raise you in captivity under the guise of loving you. They don't really love you, but just want to control you better.

If you cut off your friendship and kinship, you can only rely on him as the only one in life. You will be more obedient to him and completely lose yourself.

05. Summary

Zhang Xiaoxian said, "The time of your life is so limited. Please don't desolate yourself. Only when you love a man like a man, can you be worthy of standing side by side with you."

Don't trust a man's sweet words, but see clearly the thoughts behind his behavior.

If so, he can respect you, take care of you, be willing to consider for you, and then deliver his sincerity.

The rest of your life is very expensive. You should give your sincerity to a person who is really worth it, so that every day of the rest of your life will feel warm.

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