Flexi Maxi (maximum demand) of DeFi on HTX Firecoin Exchange

HTX Cryptocurrency Exchange has a series of different DeFi products (decentralized finance), of which Flexi Max is an interesting/popular product. In short, you can subscribe your cryptocurrency (such as USDT) to this Flexi Maxi/maximum current to earn more interest. For example, HTX Fire Coin Cryptocurrency Exchange now has an annual interest rate of 5% on deposit of USDT stable currency. After subscription, you can redeem the capital/principal at any time, but different rates apply. If you hold funds for more than 365 days, there is no charge. Flexi Maxi offers higher interest than DeFi, a current account that can withdraw funds at any time without penalty. Compared with regular DeFi, you cannot withdraw (redeem) funds before maturity, but Flexi Maxi allows you to withdraw, but it will only incur some expenses. The longer your capital stays in the pool, the more interest will accrue and the lower the redemption fee will be. For Flexi Maxi, funds are not locked like regular DeFi products. The following is a detailed comparison: Plan

Safe Practice of Currency Circle Exchange

A week ago, I was cheated of 1000 pounds: I was cheated of 1355 USDT (1000 pounds) for the first time in the currency circle (Wirex). Recently, two major events were reported on the launch. The money exchange was stolen by hackers and cleared overnight. In the world of cryptocurrencies, security is crucial. Although the decentralized nature of blockchain provides strong protection for many types of fraud, the exchange you use to buy, sell and hold digital assets may be vulnerable to hackers and other security vulnerabilities. Exchanges are generally centralized, that is, CEX (Centralize Exchange). The following is a comprehensive guide to ensuring that your encrypted assets remain secure in the exchange. If you have a lot of coins/money, you'd better put it in your local wallet (Not Your Keys, Not Your Funds), And use a hardware wallet (such as a Ledger), so the risk will be smaller. However, many people put their money on the exchange to earn some interest (there are many DeFi projects on the exchange), but you may get interest, but you may lose the principal. I know HTX Fire Coin Exchange is very good. Every withdrawal requires three verifications: SMS message, email verification, and Google QR code. Some exchanges cannot withdraw cash within 24 hours after the password of the main account is changed, which also gives users time to reduce losses to a certain extent. Enabling Dual Authentication (2FA) Dual Authentication (2FA) is an important security measure that can add an additional layer of protection to your account. Here's how it works: Why do you need 2FA? It requires not only your password, but also the second factor, usually the code sent to your phone or the code generated by the authentication application. Best practice: Use authentication applications such as Google Authenticator or Authy instead of SMS based 2FA, because SIM card exchange may endanger SMS based 2FA. Enabling SMS reminders SMS reminders can notify any suspicious activity on your account: Benefits: instant notification of login, withdrawal and account settings changes. Safety tips: Although SMS reminders are useful for notifications, avoid using SMS for 2FA. Instead, rely on dedicated authentication applications. Accessing trading websites in stealth mode Using stealth or private browsing mode when accessing your trading account can enhance security: Why use stealth mode?: It can prevent the storage of browsing history, cookies and cached data, which may be used by malware. Additional benefits: The extension program is disabled by default in stealth mode, thus reducing the risk of malicious extension attacks. Avoid using VPN Although VPN is usually good for privacy, it sometimes brings security problems when used in exchanges: Why avoid using VPN?: Some exchanges may mark the use of VPN as suspicious, resulting in account access problems or requiring additional verification steps. Security compromise: VPN may route traffic through damaged servers sometimes. If VPN is used, please ensure that it is a reputable provider.  …

Microsoft Summer Party of Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute 2024

In addition to the epidemic years, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute organizes a summer party every year. I joined MSRC of Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute in 2021 (three years ago). That year was not held because the epidemic had not been fully released. In 2022, I was in the Duxford Cambridge Aircraft Museum. In 2023, Microsoft bought a whole zoo. This year, I was in a hotel by the Cambridge River. The specific address is: Grade Hotel, Granta Place, Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1RT The Summer Party of Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute every year can bring family members, many children and young children, so our group's colleagues who do not have children are reluctant to come, saying that they are relatively family oriented. It is not interesting for them to go, but the manager said that they can network and expand their "contacts", Find out what other groups do. The manager said he would come. He said his daughter said she wanted to come, but his son was older and unwilling to come this year. However, he did not see the manager that day. It is estimated that the temporary plan has changed. I was the only one in our group at the party last year. It is obvious that the budget of the company this year is not as much as that of the previous two years. For example, in 2022, the entrance ticket of the plane museum for a family of four will also cost 70 or 80 pounds, and last year's entrance ticket of the zoo will also cost dozens of pounds. There is no ticket in the hotel this year. The hotel has a large room, followed by a courtyard. The only highlight is that the courtyard is by the river. There are only three parent-child games in the courtyard: large-scale chess, sandbags throwing, and wooden tumbling blocks. There are face painting for children (three years old) and above, balloon toys and handicrafts in the room. Basically, it is for the younger children. The food was OK. Help yourself. From 10:00 to 2:00, we finished eating at 1:00 and left. The weather on that day was not good. It rained and sunny, but it was still a little cold to wear a short sleeve in June. The manager said that the hotel was in the center of the city and the cost was very expensive. There are 589 Chinese characters in this article. Can you count them Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute 2024 Summer Party

Recommend a mechanical keyboard with high cost performance for programmers KeyChron K8

Keychron, a mechanical keyboard with high cost performance for programmers, I bought my first keychron keyboard four years ago (2020), worked at AMAZON at that time, and was reimbursed through the company's funds. At that time, I also asked the manager, do you need to be frugal? Because one of Amazon's 16 military rules is frugality/Frugal. At that time, the manager said that as long as you can improve your work efficiency, I didn't dare to do too expensive things. Finally, I only chose a mechanical keyboard of more than 60 dollars. The model is Keychron C2 Wired Mechanical Keyboard, The RGB Backlight/Gateron Mechanical/Red keyboard has been used since then (it doesn't need to be returned when leaving AMAZON). Not long ago, the C key suddenly didn't work, and I plugged it several times but it didn't work. So I became a living horse doctor and washed the whole keyboard underwater. It's difficult to take down the keys one by one. It's really water washing. However, it is said that each key of the keychronon mechanical keyboard has its own independent circuit, which can replace the spare key or the unused key to the problematic key. However, for a long time, the key changing tools and spare keys for delivery have long been unavailable. Then I dried it for an afternoon. After that, I took my daughter-in-law's hair dryer and blew it for a while. When I plugged in the power supply, the screen flickered, and then it was completely useless. However, I kept it for two or three days and tried it every day. When I was about to give up at the end, it was easy to use, and the C key was also easy to use. However, I found that the 1 key was not very easy to use. It took several days to make do with it, and the newly bought K8 finally arrived today. The mechanical keyboard has many axes, and the prices of different axes are different. I don't understand various configurations. Anyway, I chose the most expensive configuration of K8, which can be 30 pounds more expensive than the basic model. The keyboard cost about 110 pounds for shipping. Keychron K8 Wireless Mechanical Keyboard (US ANSI Layout) × …

Those who do not reach the Great Wall are not heroes: Badaling Great Wall Hero Peak

The last time I climbed the Great Wall was 20 years ago. In that year, I participated in the National Programming Competition of Computer Newspaper and got a free three-day trip to Beijing. This time, he is a middle-aged uncle. The only relief is that the hair is still luxuriant and the color of ice cream is 22 yuan, and the chicken leg is 15 yuan. The tourist attractions are a little expensive. This time I went up by cable car, and then climbed a short distance. There were so many people. The slope of the Great Wall was even steeper than I imagined (although I vaguely remember that it was very steep 20 years ago, it was already very vague). This scenic spot is very famous. There is a popular spot: Hero Hill, so there are many people. Now the ticket for domestic scenic spots is basically a real name system, and the gate entering the scenic spot can automatically scan the ID (ID card or even passport), which is quite safe. Come to some videos: free bus shuttle bus explanation: cable car to the city and walking to the city. Tubing YouTube | Station B | Watermelon | Little Red Book | WeChat video number | Microblog video Now the scenic spot is divided into two entrances, namely, the cable car and the hiking entrance. First, I will introduce you to the cable car to climb the city. It is the terminal. The nearest entrance is a way to climb the city by combining work and rest. It takes five minutes to transport you from the ground to the seventh bottom floor of the North Great Wall. You can continue climbing after the cable car

Why should ChatGPT and Bytedance crawlers be prevented from crawling your page?

These days, I found that one or two of my servers were overloaded (higher than the normal CPU utilization). I checked the Apache logs and found the access records of ChatGPT Bot (also known as GPTBot/1.0) and Byte Bouncing Bots (also known as Bytespider). You can check the top 10 IPs accessing your server through the following BASH command: #/ bin/bash awk '{a++}END{for(v in a)print v, a}' /var/log/apache2/*.log* | sort -k2 -nr | head -10 …