Return pearls to buy casket

As long as you want, as long as I have.

avoid being seen

The place you walk through and the story that happens is like a play in your life. In the play, I played Juli, tasted joys and sorrows, and exchanged different selves from the beginning to the end. Today, you wipe away the traces of others. Tomorrow, others will write you into their memories. In the stream of people who come and go, how much of your residual breath?

Scaly armor

It is impossible for me not to play music, because music is immortal.

Imperceptible influence

Disappointed to the extreme is to say a long string of words to prove himself, but the words turned into a wry smile, feeling that there is no need to say a word, feeling superfluous.

Shit and shit

I thought that what I had would be enough. In the end, I can only think about your future.

a multitude of things

I like the way you can't stand me and can't kill me.

encourage monsters to stalk abroad , making trouble , causing disorder

The red ink roll, the iron fan is white in the day, looking at the world of mortals, the youth is like a bamboo shoot, and the night is like me.

Buy a horse and recruit an army

The world is not worth it, but the stars and the sea are worth it;

Floatation linolenic acid

The spark of talent often bursts on the grindstone of diligence.

It's poetry-

You must be surrounded by flowers, applause and gentle wind after you are so cute

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