Company homepage
Position under recruitment (10)

Nanjing Regal Hotel

Resume processing rate
Percentage of resumes processed by the enterprise within 7 days
Resume processing time
Efficiency of resume processing within 7 days
Message reply time
The efficiency of the enterprise's message reply within 7 days
Company homepage
Position under recruitment (10)
essential information
  • Hotel industry - domestic high-end hotel/5-star
  • 100-499 persons
  • state-owned enterprise
    Enterprise nature
    Enterprise website
  • Ms. Peng
  • mobile phone
    Contact information can be viewed after sending the resume
Company benefits
  • Food Specialties
  • High end conference
  • Professional business
  • Beautiful environment
  • Convenient transportation
  • Management specifications
  • Skill training
  • Post promotion
  • Good leadership
  • Employee birthday gifts
No. 208, Longmian Avenue, Jiangning University Town (near the No. 4 gate of Nanjing Tourism Vocational College)
contact us
  • Service hotline: 400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • Hangzhou Headquarters: 0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • Service email:
  • contact us

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