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What is the business scope of the restaurant
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Here are some relevant contents about the business scope of the restaurant, which I have compiled for you. You are welcome to copy and download them.

What is the business scope of the restaurant

It is verified according to the license items of catering service license and food circulation license. If your catering certificate is approved for Chinese catering, western catering, cold dish production, barbecue cooked meat, the scope of the business license can only be followed word for word. Drinks and drinks shall be the pre packaged food licensing items for food circulation.

Operation design of restaurant

In a busy lifestyle, dining is the only time for family members to get together in a day. An ideal restaurant decoration should produce a pleasant atmosphere, so that everyone can feel relaxed. It would be even more beneficial if the restaurant could help family members talk harmoniously with each other.

1. The restaurant should be independent rather than "fuzzy double hall"

For families with large areas, it is better to set up an independent dining room. If the area is limited, the dining room and the living room, or the dining room and the hall share a space. However, the dining room and the living room or the hall should have obvious partitions. For example, the dining space should be limited through the treatment of the ground or ceiling. It is better not to have the so-called "fuzzy double rooms" with unclear space restrictions.

2. The restaurant should be able to create a relaxed and leisure space

The restaurant should be a bright and well lit restaurant, which can bring people fun when eating. The net width of the dining room should not be less than 2. 4m. In addition to the table and chairs, there should also be a place for the sideboard or wine cabinet. The spacious restaurant can be equipped with a bar and a tea seat to provide a romantic and leisure space for the host.

3. The dining room should be adjacent to the kitchen, but not in the kitchen

The dining room and the kitchen should be adjacent to each other to avoid too long distance and too much food preparation time. But for the cooking habits of Chinese food, the restaurant should not be located in the kitchen, because the smoke and heat in the kitchen are relatively humid, people can not sit happily in it.

4. The restaurant should be simple and lively, giving people a relaxed and pleasant feeling

It is better to use materials that are easy to clean for the decoration of the restaurant. The modeling should be simple and not too complicated to make people feel depressed. The color should be warm tone and middle tone, and "non edible color" should be avoided. It is necessary to be good at using lighting to set off the pleasant atmosphere of dining. Restaurants generally use flexible chandeliers as the main lighting, with auxiliary wall lamps. The color of the light should be warm.

Categorization of restaurants

1. Multi functional restaurant. The large hall with the largest area and the most complete facilities in the restaurant. It can be used as a place for large dinners, wine banquets and tea parties, as well as a place for large international conferences, large exhibitions and festivals.

2. Ballroom. It is used for Chinese banquet and western banquet.

3. Flavor restaurant. Restaurants that provide guests with different special dishes, seafood, barbecue and hot pot.

4. Flavor snack restaurant. Restaurants providing pastries, snacks and other flavor foods from all over the country.

5. A la carte restaurant. A restaurant that provides casual ordering or snacks suitable for individual guests.

6. Japanese cuisine.

7. Tea restaurant. A restaurant that mainly drinks tea and chat and provides customers with desserts, snacks, simple meals and tea.

8. Song and dance restaurant. It not only provides Chinese and western food, drinks and snacks, but also provides a place for music appreciation, singing and dancing activities.

9. Western restaurant. A restaurant serving American, French or Russian food.

10. Grill room. A restaurant that provides grilled food and famous wine for guests with high consumption standards.

11. Cafeteria. The food is placed by category, and guests can choose food freely after entering the hall with vouchers; There are also cafeterias where guests can choose food freely after entering the hall, and then pay according to the price. Food shall not be taken out of the restaurant.

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