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2023 Intermediate Economist Score Query System

[liuxue86.com - Economist Score Query]

Students who took the intermediate economist exam, the editor of www. overseas study website will sort out the contents of the "2023 intermediate economist score query system" for your reference, hoping that the majority of examinees will achieve excellent results! For more information, please follow the update of our website!

    2023 Intermediate Economist Score Query System

1、 2023 Intermediate Economist Score Query System


   Click to enter the intermediate economist query score query system

The examination time for intermediate economists in 2023 will be about 60 days after the end of the examination. The examination time for intermediate economists in 23 years will be November 11 and 12, and the examination results will be announced about January 11, 2024. The release time of intermediate economist's results shall be subject to the official notice!

  2、 2023 Intermediate Economist Score Query Process

Step 1: click to enter "China Personnel Examination Network", and click "Score Query" on the left;

Step 2: Login account and password;

Step 3: log in to the account and select the corresponding exam "Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination";

Step 4: Enter the score page, and the examinee checks the information and view the score.

  3、 2023 Score of intermediate economist

The examination subjects for intermediate economists include Basic Economic Knowledge and Professional Knowledge and Practice, which are designed with 10 majors and each subject has a total score of 140 points. Candidates are required to achieve 60% or more of the score in each subject, that is, 84 points or more.

Judging from the examination of intermediate economists over the years, some regions will set provincial qualification standards, and their qualification scores will be lower than the national qualification standards. Linxia Prefecture in Gansu Province, Liangshan Prefecture in Sichuan Province, Ebian County, Mabian County and Jinkouhe District in Leshan City will be separately divided into intermediate economist score lines.

  Extended reading:

How long can the intermediate economist get the certificate

After the results of intermediate economists are released, the qualification certificates will be received in more than two months. The time of economist qualification certificate varies from province to province. Candidates should log in to the provincial personnel examination website two months after their scores are queried, find the "qualification certificate" column, and check that the certificate is the basic condition and qualification for promotion and job transfer. Many public institutions and state-owned enterprises will determine the salary level or promotion through professional title evaluation. Even the middle and high level positions in the unit also require middle: level professional titles.

After passing the intermediate professional title, you can also choose to continue to study with the deputy senior or senior professional title. Therefore, taking the examination of an economist can improve your promotion space. The specialty of intermediate economist covers a wide range, and almost all walks of life can apply for an intermediate economist to engage in economic work. Because the economic field is interlinked to some extent, even a professional economist has a wide range of job applications, which makes it easier to develop across industries.

   Examination subjects for intermediate economists

There are two subjects for the examination of intermediate economists, specifically: Basic Economic Knowledge and Professional Knowledge and Practice.

The results of the intermediate economic professional technical qualification examination are subject to the rolling management method of two years as a cycle. Candidates must pass all the examination subjects in two consecutive examination years before they can obtain the intermediate economic professional technical qualification certificate.

The specialized subjects of the technical qualification examination for the intermediate economy specialty include business administration, agricultural economy, finance and taxation, finance, insurance, transportation economy, human resource management, tourism economy, construction and real estate economy, intellectual property rights, etc.

   Recommended reading:

   2023 Intermediate Economist Answering Skills

   Which subject will be better for intermediate economists in 2023

   Can intermediate economists apply for multiple majors in 2023

   Time and conditions for applying for the 2023 intermediate economist exam

For more information on the Economist Score Inquiry website, please visit: Economist score query

Source: https://jingjishi.liuxue86.com/a/5152072.html
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