Green Shield Zhongtian 2024 Annual Marketing Summit: Blow the new horn of brand in the new consumption era

icon 2024-03-10 14:13:22
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Summary: On March 8, the 2024 annual marketing summit of Green Shield Zhongtian, "Ju Bu Fan • Chuang Bu Fan", was held in Linqu, Shandong Province, officially releasing the brand new strategic positioning of Green Shield Zhongtian's transformation to a service provider of building system door and window solutions, as well as new products with different positioning, such as "everything is in order", "natural interest", "life's original color", and functional models, Opened the Green Shield Zhongtian door and window from the industry

There is a rule in the business world: values determine the foundation and pattern of the enterprise, and also determine how far the enterprise can go. The values of enterprises are often presented through "choice" - whether in good times or bad times, choices of large and small sizes can reflect the wisdom of entrepreneurs.

Green Shield Zhongtian, the leading brand of system doors and windows, has made intensive actions in recent years, saying that Green Shield Zhongtian has entered a new stage, and Zheng Haifeng, the chairman of the board, is leading the enterprise to embark on a different road of brand development.

On March 8, the 2024 annual marketing summit of Green Shield Zhongtian, "Ju Bu Fan • Chuang Bu Fan", was held in Linqu, Shandong Province, officially releasing the brand new strategic positioning of Green Shield Zhongtian's transformation to a service provider of building system door and window solutions, as well as new products with different positioning, such as "everything is in order", "natural interest", "life's original color", and functional models, It opened the first year of the transformation of Green Shield Zhongtian Doors and Windows from an industrial brand to a consumer brand.

As Zheng Haifeng, chairman of Ludun Zhongtian, said, "Ludun Zhongtian should be an enterprise focusing on beautiful human settlements and Chinese style development."

   Continuous insight into consumption and link to better living

In the post epidemic era, whether it is the new normal economy or the stock development, with China's consumer market entering a new stage, people's consumption concepts have also changed. Most consumers return to rationality and purchase on demand by examining their real consumption demand. As consumers become more and more rational, product innovation that stays on the surface is difficult to arouse the desire to buy again; Only by creating new and high-quality experiences for users can we take the lead in the stock market.

This gradually changing view of consumption also affects people's view of doors and windows. At present, consumers pay more attention to "quality price ratio", which requires both quality assurance and high cost performance; In addition, with the household consumer groups becoming younger, they are pursuing not only the product itself, but also the experience based on the product.

In the face of the new changes in consumer trends, Green Shield Zhongtian also gave its own answer at this press conference: to become the leading brand in China for building system door and window solutions, to continue to have insight into China's new consumption concepts, to work with dealers to truly link consumer life, so that high-quality door and window products and standard service models can enter thousands of households.

Zheng Haifeng, chairman of Lvdun Zhongtian, officially released the 2024 Lvdun Zhongtian "Go forward after hearing the news The "Prosperity" green growth strategy, and pointed out that in the new stock cycle of "driven by user demand", as a high-end door and window brand, Green Shield Zhongtian will achieve the transformation from an industry brand to a consumer brand, and from a system door and window manufacturer to a building system door and window solution provider. In 2024, Green Shield Zhongtian will be guided by user needs and realize the branding of the full experience process from design to product to channel to service.

Wang Jing, senior partner and editor in chief of Zhongju Culture, was also invited to release the 2023 China Door and Window Industry Insight Report at the scene. She also said that with the rapid and steady pace of urban renewal, the demand for renovation and reconstruction of old houses was gradually released, and the size of the door and window market maintained a good growth rate. For door and window brands, on the one hand, high quality price ratio has become an important development direction for door and window enterprise brand building; on the other hand, as the new generation of groups have higher expectations for quality service and emotional resonance, service is becoming an important value-added item of door and window products.

From the perspective of Zhongju culture, there is an imbalance between users' expectations for the upgrade experience of doors and windows and the current product service and innovation in the current window and door consumption. This time, Green Shield Zhongtian's green growth strategy is aimed at this gap, constantly creating value for users, and taking consumers as the center to iterate and upgrade to meet consumers' aspirations for a better living.

Focus on middle and high-end people and propose system solutions

Both the consumer market and the consumer concept have entered a new stage. How to accurately layout and grasp the core power of a new round of development is particularly important. At the event site, Liu Yang, the brand director of Green Shield Zhongtian, shared the "Green Shield Zhongtian Brand Renewal Strategy in 2024" in detail.

He said that the growth of per capita GDP has led to a change in the structure of consumer groups throughout China. The consumer market has begun to form a "spindle" structure, and the waist power, which is dominated by middle and high-end consumers, is growing. This consumer group is more willing to accept new things and new brands, and is more willing to pay for improving the quality of life.

Therefore, in the future, Green Shield Zhongtian will focus on the needs of middle and high-end people and future building system doors and windows, propose system solutions, carry out innovation and innovation from multiple dimensions, such as marketing mode, product innovation, channel breakthrough, efficiency improvement, brand driving, terminal empowerment, and focus on resources, so that the brand can grow and develop in a long-term manner.

Yang Xiuli, the director of Lvdun Zhongtian Retail Business Department, brought the "Interpretation of the Terminal Growth System of Lvdun Zhongtian in 2024 and the Release of Strategic New Products" on the spot. She pointed out that this new product will be further upgraded in terms of sound insulation, heat insulation, safety, aesthetics, experience, etc., to meet the personalized and deep comfort needs of users in different scenarios, with high looks, high-tech High comfort provides it with better comfortable living space solutions.

The brand renewal and new product launch of Green Shield Zhongtian have also been recognized and supported by the partners of franchisees. In the "Big Business Forum", Yang Xiuli, the director of the retail business department of Green Shield Zhongtian Doors and Windows, discussed the development prospects, marketing strategies and practical experience of the door and window category with nine excellent partners, Inspire each other, learn from each other, and benefit from each other to promote the healthy development of the entire door and window industry. They all said that as the first position to link consumers and brands, they felt that Green Shield Zhongtian had a deep insight into consumer demand, and they were recognized and favored by consumers relying on their product power, design power and service power.

It is worth mentioning that at the event site, Wang Jing, senior partner and chief editor of Zhongju Culture, presented the Big Goose Award to Lvdun Zhongtian 2023 China's leading brand in the household door and window industry, and Zheng Haifeng, chairman of Green Shield Zhongtian Doors and Windows, was awarded the 2023 Chinese household industry influential figure award.

It is reported that the "Big Goose Award" It is the most valuable annual brand honor in China's home furnishing industry. It is jointly organized by the Thirteenth National Congress of the Association, the most influential one in China, and the presidium of the twelve most responsible media in the home furnishing industry. The award of influential figures in China's home furnishing industry is dedicated to rewarding advanced leaders and leading the industry upward.

Since 2018, the big home furnishing market, including doors and windows, has been very busy. The nearly trillion level air outlet attracted a large number of players to enter the stadium to share food. New brands, new concepts and new products emerged one after another, dazzling.

From the perspective of Zhongju culture, these are just appearances. Only by grasping the underlying logic of household consumption in the new consumption era can we stand out in the fierce market competition.

From the perspective of the 2024 annual marketing summit of Green Shield Zhongtian, "Gathering Extraordinary and Creating Extraordinary", it is clear that Green Shield Zhongtian is following the trend of the market, combining brand renewal with consumer demand, and building a business travel differentiated competitive advantage.


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