
    [Slow hand without] Zero embedded French four door refrigerator TCL R539T9-D, a surprise price of 3149 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: The original place

    This TCL French four door ultra-thin zero embedded Refrigerator R539T9-D adopts the bottom heat dissipation design, which can better ensure the temperature stability in the refrigerator. In addition, this refrigerator also has the functions of molecular preservation, sterilization and deodorization, which can help us better preserve the freshness of food. At the same time, it also has double circulation and primary energy efficiency, which is more energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Now if you buy the coupon, you can add up to 10% discount to 1000 yuan if you reduce 600 yuan from 2000 yuan. Plus plus-20 yuan, you can trade the old for the new - 460 yuan, and you can pay 150 interest free coupons in six polite installments. If you need a refrigerator with high cost performance ratio, you may want to consider this TCL French four door ultra-thin zero embedded refrigerator.

    Preferential information coupon: Full 201 minus 100 term of validity: 2024/03/01-2024/06/10

     TCL R539T9-DQ

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow hand without] Zero embedded French four door refrigerator TCL R539T9-D, a surprise price of 3149 yuan true report eight hundred and forty-two This TCL French four door ultra-thin zero embedded refrigerator R539T9-D adopts the bottom heat dissipation design, which can better ensure the temperature stability inside the refrigerator. In addition, this refrigerator also has the functions of molecular preservation, sterilization and deodorization, which can help us better preserve the freshness of food. At the same time, it also has double circulation and primary energy efficiency, which is more energy-saving and environmentally friendly. If you buy now, you can reduce 600 yuan for 2000 yuan
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