
    Black Myth: Monkey King priced 268 times: D encryption description was deleted, and gold hoop was presented for the first time

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Junrong

    On the night of WeGame2024 game last night, the price of Black Myth: Wukong was officially announced. The price of the standard PC version of Jianzhong game was 268 yuan. According to the information on the store page, this work supports refunds, no internal purchases, cloud archiving, WeGame achievements, and handles.

     Black Myth: Monkey King priced 268 times: D encryption description was deleted, and gold hoop was presented for the first time

    This time, Black Myth: Monkey King broadcast a new propaganda film. In addition to the new battle scene, there was the first presentation of the "Golden hoop": the picture of an old monkey (suspected to be Monkey King) holding up the golden hoop with both hands. Some netizens also pointed out that this shot is very similar to a shot in Stephen Chow's classic movie "A Tale of Journey to the West: The Odds of Celestial Shoes", which is a tribute.

     Black Myth: Monkey King priced 268 times: D encryption description was deleted, and gold hoop was presented for the first time

    After the price of Black Myth: Wukong was announced, the main creators of the book also wrote about their recent mental journey. Producer Yang Qi wrote: "At present, the pre-sale has not been opened yet. The team of Ye Luzi may still change things overnight the night before the closure of the edition... Many plans are not well thought out, thank teachers for their bright mind and good looks."

    Many netizens still highly approve of the price of 268 yuan. They generally feel that the price is completely within the acceptable range, and even feel that it is a bit "set low". I wish the game good reputation and sales.

    At present, Black Myth will be published in It will be launched on WeGame platform on August 20, and more information will be synchronized as soon as possible. Let's look forward to it together.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Black Myth: Monkey King priced 268 times: D encryption description was deleted, and gold hoop was presented for the first time true report eight hundred and twenty-eight On the night of WeGame2024 game last night, the price of Black Myth: Wukong was officially announced. The price of the standard PC version of Jianzhong game was 268 yuan. According to the information on the store page, this work supports refunds, no internal purchases, cloud archiving, WeGame achievements, and handles. This time, Black Myth: Monkey King has broadcast a new propaganda film. In addition to the new battle scenes, there are also "golden hoop"
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