
    Jiangsu Sony XR-75X91L 75 inch high-performance game TV quoted 11999 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Nanjing Agency

    [Zhongguancun Online Jiangsu Market] Sony 75X90L recently launched a special promotion at the store "Nanjing Qingyu Appliance". The preferential price is 11999 yuan. Good things and good prices are worth starting! Interested friends can directly go to "No. 180, Yuanxi Road, Dachang Street, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing" for details, and also consult Sony 75X90L's promotion information (contact number: 15301597552).

     Jiangsu Sony XR-75X91L 75 inch high-performance game TV quoted 11999 yuan

    First, we check the brightness and PQ Curve and brightness are important indicators for HDR of TV. In order to ensure the accuracy of testing, we abandoned the brightness meter used in the past and used the spectrophotometer CR-250 instead.

     Jiangsu Sony XR-75X91L 75 inch high-performance game TV quoted 11999 yuan

    When the TV is just started, the X90L's excitation brightness is 1375nit for 6 seconds, the X90K's excitation brightness is 1280nit for 8 seconds, and the X95EK's excitation brightness is 1820nit for 8 seconds. Are the X90L and X90K the same definition? Not at all. Sony has added "XR clear image" technology to its new L series, which will further improve the image definition. "XR clear image" is equivalent to the passive skill of TV, and there is no option to set.

     Jiangsu Sony XR-75X91L 75 inch high-performance game TV quoted 11999 yuan

    Sony 75X90L
    [Reference price] 11999 yuan
    [Contact information] 17721547867
    [Store name] Nanjing Qingyu Electric Appliance
    [Store link]
    [Business address] No. 180, Yuanxi Road, Dachang Street, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing
    [Quotation Query] TV product quotation Sony product quotation

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Jiangsu Sony XR-75X91L 75 inch high-performance game TV quoted 11999 yuan true report eight hundred and ninety-five [Zhongguancun Online Jiangsu Market] Sony 75X90L recently launched a special promotion at the store "Nanjing Qingyu Appliance". The preferential price is 11999 yuan. Good things and good prices are worth starting! Interested friends can directly go to "No. 180, Yuanxi Road, Dachang Street, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing" for details, and also consult Sony 75X90L's promotional information (contact number: 15301597552)
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