
    Suning released the 2021 Air Conditioning White Paper: New energy efficiency and health are the future

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhou Xun   |   Editor in charge: Du Gang

    In 2021, the market will recover and the purchasing power of consumption will rise. At the same time, with the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the concept of health will be raised to a new height again. How to go in the air conditioning industry, where is the growth point of the market, and how to guide the industry to a better situation have become the most concerned issues of the market.

    On March 4, Suning released the 2021 air conditioning white paper. Focusing on the two key words of "new energy efficiency" and "health", Suning unveiled four strategies in the air conditioning category in 2021, and officially announced the establishment of the "Clean Lung Project 3.0" alliance.

    (Picture: Wu Dingjian, President of Suning Yigou Home Appliances Group)

    Interpretation of the new policy: high-quality models are the key to sales breakthrough

    At the beginning of the press conference, Mr. Ge Fengliang, Vice President of the China Home Appliances Research Institute, first analyzed the national policy orientation, pointed out that the new policies being vigorously pursued at the national level in the household appliances industry, especially in the air conditioning category, and called on enterprises to seize this opportunity at the right time, by seizing the growth points such as high energy efficiency, health and intelligence, and trade in the old for the new, Help consumers and enterprises win.

    (Picture: Ge Fengliang, Vice President of China Home Appliances Research Institute)

    In fact, as early as 2019, Suning launched the "fixed frequency delisting" project, which played a role in promoting the popularization of energy-efficient variable frequency air conditioners. In 2020, Suning increased subsidies on this basis, combined with the whole industry chain, established a "new level energy efficiency alliance" and launched the "old for green" action. The penetration rate of new energy efficiency air conditioners across the platform has exceeded 90%, the recycled unit volume has exceeded 3.6 million units, and the transformation amount has exceeded 10 billion yuan.

    From 2021, the new national standard, high quality and healthy style will become the mainstream model and new label of Suning air conditioner. Suning will not only continue to cooperate with the China Home Appliance Research Institute, the successful bidder, etc., and invest 10 million yuan as the special promotion fund for healthy air conditioners, but also provide Suning subsidies for all high-quality healthy air conditioners to promote the upgrading of the air conditioning experience of the whole people.

    Respiratory health was concerned, Suning granted 5 billion subsidies for deep cleaning of air conditioners

    In 2018, Academician Zhong Nanshan smashed the old air conditioner with a sledgehammer to open the curtain of the lung purification project.

    This year, Professor Dai Zizhu, also an honorary consultant of Suning Lung Purification Project, reiterated the dangers of old air conditioners, and called on the whole society to pay attention to respiratory health and practice the Lung Purification Project in the post epidemic era.

    (Picture: Dai Zizhu, researcher of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

    Xu Zhong, vice president of Suning Yigou Home Appliances Group, introduced that Suning has already actively promoted the popularization of new energy efficient health air conditioners, not only cooperated with industry research institutions, but also with China Academy of Sciences (Beijing) Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. to analyze the functions of air conditioners and establish health air conditioning standards. In the past 2020, Suning has granted 10 billion yuan of preferential subsidies in total, with health air conditioning subsidies, interest free installment 0 yuan for trial use and other forms to reduce the consumption threshold of healthy air conditioners.

    (Picture: Xu Zhong, Vice President of Suning Yigou Home Appliances Group)

    In 2021, Suning proposed to "take a bath twice a year for the air conditioner to save electricity and be healthier". In addition to investing 5 billion yuan in special subsidies for deep cleaning of air conditioners, a 10 million household air conditioning cleaning plan will be launched: customers who buy health air conditioning products in Suning will be provided with air conditioning cleaning cards of 120-150 yuan in nominal value for free, so as to drive the whole people to establish a scientific and healthy concept of air conditioning use.

    An additional subsidy of 20 billion yuan will help upgrade air conditioning consumption to the countryside

    As the pioneer of sinking market in the new era, more than 8000 Suning retail Yunmen stores are not only the capillaries of counties and towns, but also the important sales channels for household appliances to reach users.

    In the past 2020, the sales of retail cloud channel air conditioners exceeded 5.5 million sets, with more than 750 C2M product SKUs in stores and 54 cooperative brands.

    (Picture: In the retail Yunmen Store)

    As early as late February, retail cloud has cooperated with Midea, Haier, Gree Hisense Kelon, TCL, Hualing, Whirlpool and other brand manufacturers took the lead in opening the air conditioners in the county market. Among them, the cumulative sales amount of Midea Air Conditioner in two days exceeded 1.2 billion yuan.

    In 2021, the cumulative number of new retail cloud stores in China will reach 12000.

    According to the white paper on air conditioners, the sales volume of customized products is expected to be between 3.5-4 million in 2021, and 5 million sets of rural air conditioners are expected to be sold throughout the year. To this end, Suning will continue to lend the retail Yunmen store a special subsidy of 20 billion yuan to the rural market, which will be used to give consumers special discounts on air conditioners in the rural markets of third and fourth tier cities, counties and towns.

    Whole scene strategy of air conditioning industry: service will go deep into the community

    At the conference, the 2021 white paper on air conditioners also revealed Suning's next service strategy: make full use of community stores to undertake after-sales air conditioner installation, deployment, cleaning, repair, maintenance and other services, so that Suning can be available within 3 kilometers. The service network goes deep into the community and greatly improves the consumer experience in terms of response speed, convenience, etc.

    (Figure: 2021 Clean Lung Project 3.0 officially launched)

    In 1990, Suning started with a 200 square meter air conditioning franchise store. In 1999, Suning arranged chain stores, expanded the category of household appliances and entered the national market. This year is the 31st anniversary of Suning Air Conditioner taking root in the industry. The establishment of Clean Lung Engineering 3.0 Alliance will help users to purchase new energy efficient and healthy air conditioners with more convenient channels and more cost-effective prices.

    For users, breathing cleaner air is exactly what Suning Clean Lung Project means. As the first channel of air conditioning sales, Suning is expected to bring about changes for the entire industry and consumers from 2021.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Suning released the 2021 Air Conditioning White Paper: New energy efficiency and health are the future true report three thousand two hundred and sixty-seven In 2021, the market will recover and the purchasing power of consumption will rise. At the same time, with the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the concept of health will be raised to a new height again. How to go in the air conditioning industry, where is the growth point of the market, and how to guide the industry to a better situation have become the most concerned issues of the market. On March 4, Suning released the 2021 air conditioning white paper. Surround
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