
    Annual report of China's household appliances industry in 2020: Suning household appliances ranked first in all channels

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhou Xun   |   Editor in charge: Du Gang

    In 2020, online consumption will remain strong throughout the year, and the new business forms and new businesses promoted by the epidemic will become the new driving force for economic recovery and consumption recovery. On February 25, the "2020 Annual Report Conference of China's Home Appliance Industry", directed by the China Home Appliance Research Institute and hosted by the National Home Appliance Industry Information Center, was held in Beijing. According to the data in the "2020 Annual Report of China's Home Appliance Industry" released at the conference, Suning's online and offline marketing model covering all scenarios in 2020 gained 23.8% of the market share, It still ranks first in all channel forms.

    Continuous strong online momentum highlights the advantages of offline high-end products

    At the beginning of 2020, in order to actively respond to the impact of the epidemic on the household appliance industry, the government will strengthen the guidance of local governments to formulate incentive and subsidy policies, promote the consumption of green energy-saving household appliances, furniture and other products, guide qualified regions and enterprises, and launch various types of consumer coupons, purchase coupons, and coupons for specific groups and fields to promote the recovery of market consumption.

    At the same time, the proportion of online sales of household appliances has further expanded. In 2020, the scale of online sales of household appliances nationwide will be 336.8 billion yuan, up 8.4% year on year. Online scale accounted for 46.2%, an increase of 7.5 percentage points over the same period last year. However, with the gradual recovery of consumer confidence and the rapid growth of high-end home appliance market, the offline market has also become the main battlefield of quality consumption. According to the data from the National Household Appliance Industry Information Center, in the offline market in 2020, the sales of 65 inch color TV sets, primary frequency conversion air conditioners, heat pump dryers, refrigerators of more than 400 liters, water purifiers of more than 5000 yuan and other high-end appliances will increase significantly.

    In recent years, technological innovation and product innovation in the home appliance industry have emerged one after another, new models and new business formats have emerged, new consumption interaction models such as live broadcast e-commerce have emerged, and C2M consumption model innovation has driven the rise of a number of domestic brands and helped to upgrade consumption. In the second half of 2020, Suning E-shop APP was officially launched in the "Suning Home Appliance Light Luxury Hall", a venue for medium and high-end home appliances. It cooperated with brand manufacturers and industry institutions to conduct a series of quality home appliance live broadcasts of "consumer classes", gradually boosting the market of medium and high-end home appliances, and bringing consumers a comprehensive and high-quality product experience.

    The healthy trend needs to firmly grasp the old for the new to drive the quality upgrade

    In 2020, with the rapid awakening of public health awareness Anti-Virus , purification and other "healthy" household appliances ushered in a large-scale demand explosion. More and more household appliance enterprises take "health" as the technological innovation concept to research, develop and manufacture products that consumers need. At the same time, driven by the "old for new" policy of local governments and enterprises, the upgrading of quality household appliances consumption has gradually become the main theme of the household appliance industry.

    At present, most of the household appliances in China have entered the stock market period, especially the products sold during the period of the policy of "going to the countryside for household appliances" since 2009, the policy of "energy-saving and benefiting the people" and the policy of "trade in", as well as the safe service life of household appliances, forming a huge replacement purchase base. Enterprises represented by Suning Yigou actively responded to the national call of "trade in the old for the new", vigorously promoted the upgrading of household appliances, and brought new opportunities for household appliance sales in the post epidemic era.

    In the "old for new" activity in 2020, channel merchants and manufacturers represented by Suning E-shop formed industrial business synergy, and achieved outstanding results in business promotion, linkage mechanism and industrial chain expansion. In 2019, Suning Yigou's total converted sales amount of "old for new" was nearly 6 billion, the number of old for new people was 1.33 million, the number of new electrical appliances exceeded 2 million orders, and 2.86 million electronic and electrical products were recovered. In 2020, Suning Yigou will recycle 3.15 million units of old for new omni channel, including 2.34 million units of new appliances, with a total sales amount of nearly 7 billion yuan.

    In spite of the cold winter of the epidemic in the household appliance industry in 2020, the domestic consumers' demand for household appliances, especially the middle and high-end household appliances, has not decreased, the industrial policies and real estate market from the national level have gradually warmed up, the driving force for the household appliance industry is still there, and the trend of technological innovation and product upgrading in the household appliance industry is still continuing. Therefore, the home appliance industry in 2021 is still full of expectations for Suning Home Appliances, which has been committed to providing home appliance services for 31 years.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Annual report of China's household appliances industry in 2020: Suning household appliances ranked first in all channels true report two thousand five hundred and fifty-four In 2020, online consumption will remain strong throughout the year, and the new business forms and new businesses promoted by the epidemic will become the new driving force for economic recovery and consumption recovery. On February 25, the "2020 Annual Report Conference of China's Home Appliance Industry", directed by the China Home Appliance Research Institute and hosted by the National Home Appliance Industry Information Center, was held in Beijing. The "2020 Annual Report of China's Home Appliance Industry" released at the conference was held in Beijing
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