
    The demand for 3C replacement of household appliances during the Spring Festival surged, and the overall growth of Suning offline exceeded 40%

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhou Xun   |   Editor in charge: Du Gang

    The big data of Spring Festival consumption released by Suning Yigou on February 18 shows that during the Spring Festival, under the new situation of celebrating the New Year on the spot, the demand for local consumption and renewal has further expanded. The sales of Suning E-shop offline stores have witnessed a rapid growth, especially for household appliances and 3C products, with a growth rate of more than 40%.

    Suning, driven by the one-stop trade in business, has seen a boom in sales of core categories such as high-end home appliances and 5G mobile phones. The demand for "cloud New Year greetings" and home entertainment has stimulated a new wave of mobile phone renewal. During the 7-day holiday, Suning's online sales of 5G mobile phones increased by 121%, and the offline sales also doubled, including the sales of OPPO, vivo and Samsung brands increased by 150%, and the sales of Xiaomi increased by nearly 400%.

    For users who need a new phone, Suning E-shop launched a one-stop replacement service, including the simultaneous completion of the recycling of old phones and the rapid delivery of new phones, and the direct differential payment of old phones, which eliminates many troubles of consumers in the process of replacement. It is reported that this Spring Festival holiday, Suning Yigou's one-stop trade in of old phones covered more than 120 cities nationwide, with an increase of 89% in trade in orders.

    In addition to mobile phones, smart and fashionable living appliances are also a new focus. During the 7-day holiday, the sales of Suning E-shop's smart kitchen appliances increased by 170%, among which, the cooking robot, which automatically turns the food and is free of supervision and easy to make the chef's cooking, the intelligent sweeping robot, the air disinfection machine, which is integrated with disinfection, purification and detection, and other products were sold very well.

    Generally speaking, after the Spring Festival, it is the peak decoration season. This year, many consumers will take advantage of the 7-day holiday to purchase home appliances and home decoration products, especially high-end smart appliances.

    It is reported that high-end household appliances are eye-catching in Suning's offline stores, and the sales of the super large screen TV, known as the "magic tool of online classes", increased by 63.2%.

    The high-end smart refrigerators that focus on the functions of large capacity, multi temperature zone, taste purification, sterilization, dry and wet storage, etc., were also popular with consumers during the Spring Festival, with a sales increase of 77%. Among them, the wine and beauty refrigerators that have independent thermostatic drawers to store liquor and cosmetics in an airtight fresh-keeping environment are particularly popular.

    The sales of independent dryers increased sevenfold this year's festival. In addition, the online and offline sales of video call smart screen TVs increased by 373.1% compared with last year's Spring Festival.

    The relevant person in charge of Suning said that with the arrival of the peak season for air conditioners and home appliances in spring, the sales of related products will further improve.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The demand for 3C replacement of household appliances during the Spring Festival surged, and the overall growth of Suning offline exceeded 40% true report one thousand four hundred and fifty-four The big data of Spring Festival consumption released by Suning Yigou on February 18 shows that during the Spring Festival, under the new situation of celebrating the New Year on the spot, the demand for local consumption and renewal has further expanded. The sales of Suning E-shop offline stores have witnessed a rapid growth, especially for household appliances and 3C products, with an increase of more than 40%. Suning's core products, such as high-end home appliances and 5G mobile phones, are driven by the one-stop trade in business
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