
    Search for "LPL" in Suning e-shop APP on the Double 11 and get tickets for the S10 finals

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhou Xun   |   Editor in charge: Du Gang

    On October 25, the SN of Suning E-sports team League of Heroes In the world championship, the team defeated the strong enemy and reached the global finals with the appearance of a dark horse. On October 31, the team will compete with DWG Join in the final to compete for this year's championship trophy. From the pre match, SN team was not a favorite to win the championship, to the final, five young members of SN team dared to fight and fight, and played waves of "immortal operation", which won the favor of many young fans.

    Public data shows that in 2020, China's E-sports will have 428 million users and its market size will exceed 100 billion. Among them, League of Heroes is one of the most professional, fastest growing and most watched events. On October 26, Jia Nailiang, the release officer of Suning eBay's "Good Scenes", reviewed the "Famous Scenes" of the SN team in the World Championships with the national users, and announced the sports marketing plan of Suning eBay's "Double Eleven".

    The sports marketing of Suning E-shop on the Double 11 is divided into three parts. In terms of e-sports, users search for "LPL" in Suning's E-shop APP. In addition to 100 million red packets and 50% discount, they help the LPL team and have the opportunity to get a free ticket to the S10 finals; Users can also purchase the special edition of Super members to win 5000 points of League of Heroes vouchers for free. On November 11, SN team will open Live broadcast of tiger teeth The first show, with well-known online celebrity anchors, fans battle the top of the canyon.

    In football, during the period from October 26 to November 12, PP Sports broadcast more than 200 matches. Messi and Ronaldo in the Champions League group played together again. Zhan Jun, Liu Yue, Dong Lu and Li Xin, several famous commentators, joined the game, and millions of goals were awarded red packets. In the Chinese Super League match, the second home for fans in many games across the country landed. Suning stores invited fans to celebrate the game, and the wonderful answers divided the million prize pool and sports goods exclusive subsidies. On November 9, the first PP Sports Member Day came on stage, with limited renewal discounts, game viewing privileges, and new blockbusters all concentrated in the sports marketing of the Double 11!

    At the end of the "good scene" section of the conference, Jia Nailiang summarized the core of the big sports marketing with the word "happy". The wonderful sports events added more happy "genes" to the Double 11. For Suning E-shop, the Double 11 is not only a shopping festival for price reduction and promotion, but also a carnival for the whole people.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Search for "LPL" in Suning e-shop APP on the Double 11 and get tickets for the S10 finals // true // report one thousand four hundred and nine On October 25, Suning's E-sports team SN won the League of Heroes World Championships by defeating powerful enemies and entering the global finals in a dark horse manner. On October 31, it will meet with DWG from South Korea to compete for this year's championship trophy. Before the match, the SN team was not a favorite to win the championship. To enter the final, five young members of the SN team dared to fight and fight
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