
Build freedom. Choose freedom. There is total freedom.


WordPress べをにされたソフトェアですすすトソェアです. The private, great, and great can set the minimum limit of action, information, and information. そすることにっっユーザーーががストリーややたた゘゘゘゘を Free, shared, centralized. Basic WordPress 92 ができすす. さらにとととためめなななしいす, Growth ととと, Success ため〝なななしいす, Powerful ししいす function す.

Private, democratic, democratic Freedom of belonging をじいすす. When we are working together to contribute, we will send people to help us. WordPress コミュニニィははををする includes なりです. Contributors who are passionate about the success of WordPress will commit themselves to achieving their goals.

WordPress is no contributor; in the world, we work together; in the world, we spend countless time and money 12383. WordPress does not know what to expect. It is also valuable. "Do not do anything".


WordPress has its own history and future.




WordPress は、マイク・リトルとマット・マレンウェッグが B2/safelog In 2003. そ Design さ Design れ Personal to It can be divided into three parts: ることははっきりししいした. Today, WordPress, PHP, MySQL, GPLv2. The user can select "Ma" for "Ma" and "Ma" for "43% or more of the whole industry" on the Web.

WordPress The change of time, time, and evolution of human beings. The personal world is divided into two parts: 34 しいすす is provided. The technology's economic experience, people, methods and methods ことができすす.

Yi Li Zhang Dian

WordPress は、 General public use promise (GPLv2 Ma た は そ れ) でライセンスされています。 こ ラ イ セ ン さ で は Center と な る Freedom を 4 つ Provide し い す. これを WordPress ૙みなしくさい.


どんなににししプグラムを Purpose すること.

Second freedom

It is necessary to study the action and change the official size.

Third freedom

Then match the cloth.

Fourth freedom

Change the version of "Copy others" to issue ".