About us

Reasons for choosing us

FxSound Chinese advanced cracking version - audio enhancement artifact! A super powerful sound effect enhancement software, which can significantly change the sound you hear. Whether you are listening to music, watching movies, playing games or making voice calls, it can effectively improve the sound quality by three times! Break

Platform advantages

Exclusive advantages of the whole network

[Qi Lianlian] Provide services such as enterprise information release, product knowledge sharing, enterprise dynamic browsing, enterprise culture promotion, etc., and set up columns such as server workstations, agency bookkeeping, mechanical equipment, advertising production, etc.

Station Master's Experience

Honest old station

Script Introduction Superspeed.sh: Speed test nodes of the three major operators in China are used for comprehensive speed measurement 1: Modified from Olding's script. 2...

System advantages:

The FxSound sound effect enhancement artifact is now free - Swordsman

Qi Lianlian - Let enterprises connect, let products connect and let resources share

Superspeed.sh Three networks One click speed measurement script for speed measurement nodes across the country - Swordsman

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What we have


FxSound Chinese advanced cracking version - audio enhancement artifact! A super powerful sound enhancement software that can significantly change what you hear

Qi Lianlian

[Qi Lianlian] Provide services such as enterprise information release, product knowledge sharing, enterprise dynamic browsing, enterprise culture promotion, etc., and set up columns such as server workstations


Script Introduction Superspeed.sh


Virtual engine technology sharing, recording the experience of engine use, and sharing engine use skills