
Station name: Dangqi Road


Introduction: an old blogger who has been in the independent blogosphere for 15 years and has accomplished nothing

Link requirements of this site:

1. If this is your first time here, you don't need to consider adding a friendship link. I add a friendship link (you have to pay for it separately);

2. Must be an independent blog, not SEO, SEM or the like! Life, technology and complaint contents are acceptable;

3. You can choose to add a home page or an inside page. Please do not display the home page randomly;

4. If the content of the blog has not been updated for two months, I reserve the right to remove the link. Generally, I will leave a message or email you a notice;

5. If you do not meet the above requirements, please do not apply. I will not reply to your application;

6. It is better to leave an email address you are using when applying, and write it into the email input box. It is also convenient for me to contact you if there is any change in the future;

7. If the blog name is too long, I may modify it appropriately. Do not apply if you don't like it.  

Updated: September 30, 2023

Reward the blogger for drinking water