First visit to Hefei, Anhui

Because some things need to be handled, I had to go to Hefei. I thought I didn't need to go there, but I couldn't help it.

It was originally planned to fly from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport to Hefei Xinqiao International Airport on the evening of the 18th. I bought the ticket several days in advance, which is not cheap. As a result, it was temporarily delayed. The weather was not abnormal that day. The original plan was to take off at 23:00, but it was delayed to 1:00 in the morning. It was totally delayed for 2 hours. Then I was in a rush the next day and had no time to rest.

So I immediately found a high-speed rail ticket. Fortunately, I found one that could go directly from Guangzhou Baiyun Station to Hefei South Station. It took a long time. It took 6 hours. It was a special experience. I bought one at 16:00 on the 18th, and it was already more than 22:00 when I arrived at Hefei South Railway Station. I took a taxi to the hotel and hurried to wash and sleep.

The next day, I got up early to work, but it was finished before noon. Unexpectedly, things were not under my control, so I had to return. The original plan was to return on the 20th, but now we can return on the 19th.

The hotel also makes a reservation for two nights. You can return it at the front desk. You can call the booking platform directly and wait a few minutes. The platform can confirm with the hotel front desk.

At about 16:00 on the 19th, this time we will pass through Jiangxi and return to Guangdong. When I went there, I went from Hunan -- Hubei -- Anhui. The return journey takes longer, and of course the ticket price is more expensive, but it doesn't matter if you want to come back.

At about 22:45, we arrived at Guangzhou East Railway Station. By then, the one-day tour of Hefei was over. We will have a thorough understanding of this next time.

On the way, I made an appointment for a Hailo hitchhike at 23:00, but when I arrived, the garbage driver stood me up, which made me angry. Fortunately, we re booked a car and started right away. The Halo hitchhiker will encounter unreliable drivers. This time, we can't complain about the driver. It's suspected that we are colluding with the platform.

On the way home, I had been hating customer service, and finally gave me two 10 yuan coupons. Yes, coupons. Garbage Hello!!!

Several situations are found:

1. The rice and noodles on the high-speed railway are really disgusting! It's also expensive, 30 or 40;

2. Hefei South Railway Station can't buy instant noodles. I don't know whether I didn't find the right place or didn't sell them at all. Finally, I bought some terrible bread;

3. The taxi in Hefei is not an integer based on yuan, but there will be a 12.3 level amount (the taxi in Guangzhou is the minimum billing unit based on yuan, and each time it will increase by 1 yuan, so there is no non integer)

Very wordless design

Two days ago, I wanted to register the Xiayuque. I just wanted to know what the function was, but I was speechless. The results are rich in registration methods. I click the WeChat icon to open a QR code

 Yuque registration page

In the opened QR code, use WeChat to scan the code. After scanning the code, click "Confirm Login" in WeChat, and the result will be entered into the phone again.

 Yuque Registration

Directly prompt to continue to complete the binding of mobile phone number on the webpage. What does it mean to use WeChat? One more information for you to collect???

 Yuque Registration


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Comment list (20)

  1. I don't think taxis in Guangzhou never keep their promises. In 2018, we booked the Baiyun downtown bus on ctrip. We waited at the airport for ten minutes but didn't come. We called the driver and said that we had forgotten

    1. The car I booked was on the Hello platform, not exactly the same as a taxi. But there are really many people who will stand up and break their promises. Of course, some of them are very reliable. They are totally people oriented

  2. The old wolf still insists on writing, but I have already given up struggling

    1. The boss makes a lot of money. Of course, time is precious

  3. Unless it is a super long distance, it is still preferred to choose the high-speed railway, which is at least more punctual than the plane and does not need to squat at the airport in advance. Besides, business trips are not reimbursements. It doesn't matter whether they are cheap or not. Besides, the ups and downs of special fares are all bullshit. The company saves money and you suffer.

    Apart from Didi, I only used the built-in car hailing system of Alipay and Goddard. For the rest, my friend used to buy a ticket for the morning on Where to go, and arranged a car for Where to go, but on the same day, the car and the platform were flying pigeons together, and the back office returned the bill without even a text message or APP push, which almost caused him to miss the plane. Anyway, I give priority to the service at the destination. For example, in Beijing, there is no hope for car hailing. It is more reliable to go to the taxi station directly after leaving the airport than to call a taxi. Even it is more reliable to find a shuttle bus to the city and then call a taxi.

    Hello's behavior is very strange recently. He doesn't do anything. It's only seen in July. The local electric cars haven't been sold yet, and I don't know whether those who bought the annual pass last year have given money back.

    I haven't eaten on the high-speed railway myself, but after watching others order it, it smells like a box lunch filled with 8 yuan from a stall. Anyway, it seems to have no appetite. It is too difficult to buy things at the high-speed railway station. The station is too large, and the price of the internal supermarket is sky high. The outside supermarket can't walk back and forth within half an hour, and it is not cheap. It may take another hour to walk back and forth.

    Taxis in Beijing are rising at the price of a few cents. The number is rising very fast. It looks very impressive. At the time of checkout, it is also in the first system. There is no such thing as a few cents. But if it is a Didi, there will be a few cents. However, it is not inconvenient because it is an in app payment.

    WeChat login results also need to be tied to mobile phones, which is quite amazing. In theory, WeChat login is a convenient login method. Otherwise, you still need to input your mobile phone number and receive the verification code next time you log in. Technically, you still need to register with your mobile phone. But the place of fools came. WeChat knew that the platform of fools would have such wonderful operations, so it made a special interface for registration. When users first log in and request registration, they can directly obtain the user's mobile phone number from WeChat to log in without verification code. [You can't expect anything from domestic companies]

    1. The high-speed railway just takes a long time. It takes more than six hours like this. If there is a plane, it must be faster. However, there are many uncertain factors for the plane, such as rain, delay and sudden delay. My flight to Hefei in April was changed to the next day without any reason. Of course, it is also expensive to buy a temporary air ticket. As long as there is a ticket, high-speed rail is basically the same price.
      At present, most of the car hails are from Gaud, which is convenient. But this is usually in the urban area, and the price is cheaper than taxis. It's cheaper to cross the city and have to pay a toll, but I can accept it. I'm very angry about this sudden pigeon flying without explaining anything.
      There should be a lot of electric cars in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, but they are all unlicensed. Recently, it seems that the news has mentioned this problem, and there are many problems. Hello, I remember that I met this problem when I went to Shantou last year. The experience was very poor. I would never touch the electric car again. It is just a bicycle that can meet the demand.
      Having been to Beijing, I didn't seem to pay much attention to how the taxi meter is adjusted. The taxi meter in Guangzhou is automatically increased by 1 yuan, without decimal points. Of course, I think there will be overcharges. Moreover, the price is not cheap. Compared with the Gaode platform, I think it is generally 30-40% more expensive.

  4. The railway station can order takeout if time is not tight. It's really hard to say about the appointment. There is a possibility of pigeons flying.

    1. In April, I planned to go to Hefei, but it was changed to 11:00 the next morning. Later, I refused to return my ticket. The appointment should also have the spirit of contract. I have been communicating with the driver all the time, saying that you can cancel it. Tell me earlier that the driver is still fine. I can call when I get off and tell me that it will be there in a few minutes. Later, I didn't answer the phone

      1. Zero hour intention. There must be some restrictions on liquidated damages. Otherwise, default will cost nothing.

        1. I protested to the platform, but the platform ignored me...

  5. Now many system logins are disgusting, and the public accounts of various small programs jump back and forth

    1. In fact, if you need a mobile phone number, you can click it directly and tell me that you must enter the mobile phone number first to obtain the verification code. If you want to log in to WeChat, go in and bind. No problem at all. But the design of Yuque is really incomprehensible.

  6. I went to Hefei ten years ago. When I came to Hefei, the sky was much bluer than that in Nanjing.

    1. I didn't pay attention to this. I remember that I went to Nanjing a few years ago, but I didn't remember it for a long time

  7. I usually just drop by drop. Shouqi is the most reliable car hailing service provider in Beijing. The third party of Ctrip is garbage. Now there are many free riders hailing cars online. The driver's service attitude is bad if he doesn't make money.

    1. In fact, I don't want the service to be good, but at least we should have the spirit of contract. Either you don't take the order, or you have to finish it.

  8. Since the original plan was for two days, can't we wait for one more day to fish when things are not done well?

    1. Time is your own, no fishing

  9. If you eat on the train, you can eat later and it will be cheaper. At the beginning of 30, the price will be reduced at the end of the meal

    1. No, there is no discount for high-speed railway

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