Toss blog - move - change theme

The road to blog home

I haven't updated my blog for half a month, and I don't want to move after May Day. A few days ago, the blog moved to the soft cloud, but it was not long ago that the soft cloud had problems, and it was evacuated urgently. Fortunately, the data can be backed up (but when I moved, I set up an automatic backup to the cloud in the early morning every day, just for fear of any problems, the results will come from nothing).

 The road to blog home

On the second day, we moved the data over quickly, switched the domain name directly, and returned to the original fence host. Anyway, the host still needs to be kept. There is an exit at a critical moment.

From last year to the beginning of this year, I always wanted to buy a cloudcone machine, but I didn't have the 1C2G machine I wanted, so I simply didn't buy it.

Picture upload and cloud shooting

The old tune is repeated. Previously, the configuration of the background ueditor was directly uploaded to the cloud and then photographed. After moving to the soft cloud, it can't be used, nor can it be fixed. So we built a LightPicture , but when the soft cloud machine goes wrong, the program disappears. Although there is no loss, the virtual host cannot use the program.

Find a suitable local direct upload program, which can be implemented on the pure front end. The program is found on github, and its name is: web upload upload

 Take another cloud upload picture

After getting the program, I slightly changed the upload path and naming rules to basically meet my needs.

Before, I thought about putting it on the host, but later I thought it was unsafe. After all, there was no verification, and anyone could upload it directly, so I opened the local browser.

Toss subsite -- knowledge base

In fact, it is just a site that is full of troubles-- knowledge base A long time ago, I used the encyclopedia program, and then switched to the Typecho program, which is equivalent to two Typecho programs. A few days ago, I changed a new theme, and the theme also had some bugs, so I started to change it.

I also changed the feed of reading the knowledge base in the blog sidebar. Now I should not kill myself. Instead, I read files and cache them for one day.

After two days of testing, no problems have been found so far, so use it first.


see Blog theme program host Related articles for

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Comment list (32)

  1. Isn't the domestic host very good? Why do you always want to buy a foreign host

    1. OK, just feel good.

  2. Unfortunately, my data was also lost

    1. Data you lost in SoftCloud?

  3. Read the front page of Ruanyun... It's really an evil sect

    1. I don't know the specific situation, but I feel very strange. But I didn't lose anything

      1. In the general election of Peach Blossom Island, another Huang Laoxie who dreamed of being the island owner was elected. Another wave of cursing and running is also called daily menstruation. There are many fools on both sides.

  4. Use various third-party storage, and be careful of being brushed

    1. Be sure to set the rules

  5. Is it not safe to put pictures in your own blog?

  6. Since my fence has gone crazy every month, I don't need it anymore. I've been away for almost two or three years.

    1. It's much better now. I don't know why. For a while, I did have a draught

      1. I regret what I said. After all, the fence is fairly cost-effective.

        1. You should really regret that you sold the rn host for 100 yuan, hahaha...

  7. I found another server to migrate for backup, but this was not done very well.

    1. Your blog has been hung up for many days, and I can't open it. This matter is a bit... I don't know what to say

  8. I lost the connection for half a month. Fortunately, my backup is a daily backup, and then I also backed up a copy of the RSS subscriber. No matter what the internal causes, for consumers, this cannot reach the basic guarantee.

    1. After I moved there, I set up a daily backup. It happened that during the May Day holiday, I took my computer with me and handled it quickly. All of a sudden, the reputation disappeared

  9. Soft Cloud started at the end of May, and then at the beginning of June. Unfortunately, it costs a year

    1. Will paying users not be refunded? If this is a bit unkind

      1. If there are alternative schemes, they can be returned, used continuously and compensated

        1. To be honest, after this time, it is estimated that there is not much left. I thought before that I would transfer to a charging user after the free period expired, but I didn't expect that I would become a charging user

  10. Blog image attachments or something, I'd better upload them to the blog first, and then go out on the CDN, so that the attachments are somehow together, making backup easier!

    1. This method is different from mine. Your storage is local, but there is only one layer of CDN for access. I store it directly to someone else's home, and then go out to someone else's CDN. It has nothing to do with the blog itself, just the outside chain. Of course, I still think it is controllable. FTP backup and packaged backup are both OK. I am just lazy.
      When will cloud storage be more unreliable than personal VPS? I don't believe it

  11. Soft Cloud should be like the evaluation paper I wrote. In addition to technical problems, it may be more about qualification. After all, it operates in China again. Once technical problems occur, the qualification problems of things that should not occur will be even more serious. The loss of the boss is estimated to be much greater than ours. It is said that it was started at the end of May and June, and it is estimated that all kinds of twists and turns will come and go, The expenses he earned before are not enough to be punished. It's hard to say whether he will work or not.

    1. I don't know why, but it feels unreliable. About half a month ago, I left a message to him and ignored me. But I am a free user, so I can't ask too much. It just won't become a charge

  12. CC's 1C2G has a machine

    1. It seems that the activity link is not found

      1. Come on
        2G1G -vps-1

        2H2G -vps-2

        1. None of them are right. I want 1CPU2G. The price of the second model is much higher.

          1. This is your requirement... It's estimated that there won't be a second mobile phone, nor will there be many key hard disks large enough

            1. Because I don't have to change it. The second paragraph is obviously beyond my expectations. No matter how big it is, I don't need it.

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