Strongly recommended: free mobile phone scanning app without advertisement - pudding scanning

Sometimes it is troublesome to scan documents and ID cards when there is no special equipment like scanner around. Maybe iPhone has another processing method, but the steps are relatively troublesome. The pudding is scanned. I feel very good after using it. I strongly recommend it. The focus is still free and advertising free.

Two years ago, I was still using the VIP function of Quark, and the VIP has this scanning function, which is undeniably easy to use. When the one-year VIP expires, it is not convenient to renew it, either it is invalid at once, or it is necessary to authenticate (members of 88VIP). Later, I simply do not want VIP, but go to the ball.

OK, don't talk nonsense, introduce this app directly. Note that I only have Android phones, so IOS is not verified, so the instructions in the article are only for Android version.

Pudding scanning (Android/iOS)

The pudding scanning app is a completely free scanning app launched by VIVO. It was originally called "Amber Scanning" and was developed by Guangdong Tianchen Network Technology Co., Ltd., a designated operator authorized by VIVO in e-commerce channels. It is only pre installed on VIVO mobile phones.

Later, the development team conscientiously put it on the application market and named it "Omnipotent Scanner". Later, in order to avoid the suspicion of touching porcelain with the "Omnipotent Scanner King", it changed its name to "pudding scanning". The pudding scanning is not only free, but also very rich and powerful.

It supports document&certificate scanning, OCR text&form recognition and extraction, examination paper scanning for handwriting, oral correction, photo taking and translation, and even AI painting function.

 Strongly recommended: free mobile phone scanning app without advertisement - pudding scanning

The version, which I still use for a long time, is enough for me to use. I mainly use it for document scanning and ID card scanning. Other functions are not available at present.

 Strongly recommended: free mobile phone scanning app without advertisement - pudding scanning

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Comment list (25)

  1. About 10 years ago, I met this scanning demand at that time, and then I made a round of trouble on the Internet. All kinds of scanning tools were basically tried, and the tools on the Android platform were basically rubbish. The basic state was that no one made related apps. Then a large group of people advocated that iOS was better, as if iOS had a unique solution.
    As it happens, I have the latest iPad 4 in my hand, and I can also borrow an iPhone, so I tried various so-called solutions. The result is whether to pull the crotch or pull the crotch, which is nothing more than a gray-scale processing white balance processing and high contrast processing. In addition, there are too few adjustable parameters, and the effect is not as good as GIMP. Even it is very difficult to export the processed output.
    Finally, the camera is taken out to set the white balance. After taking the picture, it is imported to the computer and processed with GIMP. It is nothing more than correcting the white balance and then making high contrast. There are many adjustable parameters, and even the deformation caused by camera tilting can be handled.
    In the next few years, the Instagram filter on Android could even deal with these problems (of course, it was basically garbage after being acquired by FB), and the so-called iOS solution was no longer concerned.
    Since then, I have been completely indifferent to the so-called boasting on iOS.

    1. I have never tried IOS. It is said that the note pad function can be used to change the scanning function from taking pictures. I don't know the effect. Android scanning is really good

      1. According to your statement, I just tried it with iPhone, which is basically at the level of 10 years ago, and exporting is much more difficult than 10 years ago.
        Since you are at work, why don't you borrow a colleague's iPhone to try it? It's just a minute's work.
        In a nutshell, iOS is like a canteen, while Android is like a restaurant. The only difference is that the canteen is more expensive than a restaurant, and it is limited to dining.

  2. Scan is this scan. I thought what to scan, hahaha

    1. Say what you think is scanning

      1. I thought it was scanning for system vulnerabilities,

        1. Are you an occupational disease? I think it's very serious

  3. No need to scan, just take photos with your phone

    1. You haven't handled the file scanning.

      1. This is a marketing number.

  4. Determined to download, I was also troubled by Quark for a long time, and did not renew this year

    1. The official website version 3.0 has many functions, which I can't use. Old version in use

  5. There is also a scan, which is a small program that I have used before. It seems that the omnipotent king scan can also be used, but it will not be used for more than a year. These scans are similar to each other. It's OK to verify the license plate with an electronic signature.

    1. Whether there are advertisements or not, and whether they are charged or not, are the key points. I've heard the name of omnipotent scanning king. This article also has an old name, which is said to be very useful (as well as the old photo repair function). The version has been downloaded but not installed

  6. I always use line drawing. I mainly bought the so-called "permanent" vip

    1. The local tyrants are beyond my scope. I am superficial.

  7. I always use Microsoft's "Lens", that is, after taking photos, the file content is automatically repaired to be more profound, free, and has no other functions. It's enough for me.

    1. Thanks for sharing, this is a new software, you can try it

  8. The line drawing I used is not as good as this

    1. I downloaded it, ready to buy a member to play

  9. It is not surprising to see that the title says that the free and advertising free scanning software still wants to know who can do such things as generating electricity with love. I am confident that after reading it, I will know that it is backed by the manufacturer.

    1. It is equivalent to extracting and publishing the mobile phone version. However, it's really a conscience to be able to achieve no advertising. I have used this app recently

  10. Apple used to have this function, but now some Android phones will also have it. The scanning ID function is really easy to use

    1. I have never used Apple's functions. After all, I am not an Apple user. Android comes with it. Is it the legendary vivo?

  11. Yes, thank you for sharing. I am most tired of charging for this basic function software.

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