PHP multi-user bookkeeping source code program V2.7.0 released

It has been more than 2 years since the last version was officially released, which is really lazy.

In addition, in the past two years, the work is complicated. Sometimes I just fix bugs, but I didn't want to release a new version. No, I had wanted to release a new version of UI, but I was embarrassed to drag it on.

New version added/updated functions

1. During bookkeeping, images can be uploaded. Note that only images are supported, and they are in common formats such as jpg, png, gif, and can be previewed in bookkeeping records. Support for overwriting and clearing pictures

2. The batch bookkeeping function is added back. This function was originally available, later removed, and now added back. At the same time, some optimizations have been made. And add it to the system configuration. If not required, close it

3. The batch import function is added back. This function was originally available, but was later removed, and now it is added back. At the same time, some optimizations have been made

4. Optimize the system configuration function. It is easier to modify the configuration now

5. PHP 8.0 is supported

6. I can't remember the repair of other bugs

Partial screenshots

 PHP multi-user bookkeeping source code program V2.7.0 released

 PHP multi-user bookkeeping source code program V2.7.0 released

 PHP multi-user bookkeeping source code program V2.7.0 released

 PHP multi-user bookkeeping source code program V2.7.0 released

 PHP multi-user bookkeeping source code program V2.7.0 released

 PHP multi-user bookkeeping source code program V2.7.0 released


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Comment list (41)

  1. I don't dare to remember. After recording, I found it was gone~~

    1. It's all gone. What does it mean. No money, no data.
      I'm really lazy to remember. It's useless to be careful with my money

      1. >Just a little money, no matter how careful you are
        This is the case with me. I know nothing about it. I can't think of anything worth remembering.

      2. What if I can't remember the money?

        1. It's not about keeping accounts (spending money), it's about making money

  2. It's good to have skills. I have been using excel for bookkeeping for more than ten years, and I feel it is very easy to use

    1. Excel is a universal tool

  3. It has always been a note about spending one yuan. I probably know how much money I got and spent this year. I was surprised at how much I spent. I can't find anything when I check the running water. Anyway, I have no money.

    1. The flow of water can't tell what the situation is. Every transaction is recorded, and it is easy to do analysis in the end. But I still said that, just a little money, no matter how careful you are

  4. You send it to me, I can't use it. annoying!

  5. Remember this is not a commercial version?

    1. So I didn't provide a download

  6. Inconvenient to the color of income and expenditure, according to the Chinese stock market, red rose and green fell. Can you reverse the revenue and expenditure

    1. This problem has been solved long ago. The system supports one key switch between red and green

  7. It is suggested to add notes filtering option to query bookkeeping details

    1. The notes can be checked, but they can't be put down

  8. This is still necessary

  9. reply forget forget

    Why didn't you tell me when it was released? Nobody gave it to me. When will you give me a copy? My website has not hung up

    1. A copy has been sent to your mailbox. Please check it.

  10. reply SanS Sanshi SanS Sanshi

    Hey, I just found an update. How can I update this

    1. The new version has been sent to your email. Currently, it is a new installation program, and the upgrade package has not been completed.

      1. reply SanS Sanshi SanS Sanshi

        It has been found that after the SMTP mailbox is set up, the mailbox setting error is always displayed. What is the problem that the password cannot be retrieved

        1. This usually means that you cannot connect to the SMTP server, or the SMTP server rejects your server's IP address. The log file in the inc directory has a log. You can open it to see why.

          1. reply SanS Sanshi SanS Sanshi

            At first, it was linked, but later it was ignored. Today, a new version was reinstalled, and it was found that the old version also failed. The link failed. There is a solution to this problem

          2. reply SanS Sanshi SanS Sanshi

            I found the problem. The SMTP service of mailbox 163 has been shut down. Just reopen it

  11. reply tingxi tingxi

    How can I download this

    1. This requires authorization. Direct download is not available. Sorry~~

  12. reply SanS Sanshi SanS Sanshi

    Suggestions and feedback:
    1. Why is there no batch deletion in the new version of bookkeeping details
    2. When there is no connection between classification management and project management, there is a kind of inexplicable classification management that does not need to be moved, but only needs construction project management. But more project management is created, there will be many more options, and bookkeeping will be troublesome. Therefore, it is necessary to see whether secondary classification can be used for project management after the establishment of classification management

    1. 1. Batch deletion is confirmed to exist, the screen width is not enough, or the mobile browsing mode does not display batch deletion. It is hidden to prevent the page from being too wide. This design should have been early and has not been changed.
      2. You mean that each category corresponds to a project, which can also be done. But it will become complicated. In fact, I want to upgrade the project to a higher level and turn it into a set of accounts

      1. reply SanS Sanshi SanS Sanshi

        1. Batch deletion. I can't see the 1080P and 2K screens after installation. It's amazing
        2. It is better to select the type of project that can be listed after classification. Because there are many projects to be created, you have to select them separately; If it is appropriate in the later period, you can also add a set of accounts, such as personal accounts for personal records, household accounts, and select a set of accounts. You do not need to create multiple accounts to switch back and forth. You can switch the account book under one account
        3. At present, there has been an error in importing new versions. I don't know why. I hope you can get an upgrade package as soon as possible and upgrade directly on the original version. It's still a bit troublesome to rework thousands of records a year

  13. Recently, I have debugged and prepared the project loan bookkeeping. I am worried about the trust of the manager. I wonder if the batch export can be done together with the pictures. Otherwise, you need to export and add pictures one by one. Can this be studied

    1. Currently, there are no images for export, and csv does not support it. If you only export image links, you can.

      1. It's OK to add a link, otherwise I would like to add a link manually, thanks!

      2. There is no detailed information about a project. A project only has expenditure and income. I hope to increase the balance, otherwise I have to calculate it with a calculator

  14. reply asheng asheng

    Yes, I was under github before. I finally found the author. I still use version 2.4. This version is not bad. Batch bookkeeping is not available for individuals, and individual bookkeeping is not available for multiple accounts. The iis has been tested and can be used. It's good to set up a local bookkeeping system. At the beginning of each month, record the expenses of the previous month.

  15. I have a purchase authorization, please send me version 2.7 for reconstruction, thank you
    I have replied to your old mailbox. I wonder if I have received it?

    1. Copy that. It will be sent to you tomorrow

      1. I waited a few days and still didn't receive it

        1. I can't send email to your mailbox. Leave a message to you on QQ and you haven't replied to me

          1. I was caught by my son's cold and didn't open it. QQ just replied to you on QQ. Thank you

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