It's time to consider moving the blog

I have been using the virtual host all the time. The main reason is that I am lazy and can't use it. Besides, I don't need to take care of so much myself to run this blog well. Why not.

The cost is also cheap, and it also saves time, which is the so-called best value for money (at least I think so).

Recently, or for a long time, the blog server does not know which high traffic hosts have occupied, and then it is very unstable.

Occasionally, circuit problems or attacks are small problems. Because the duration is not long, it will be fine after a while. But now this problem, I really feel very uncomfortable. Blogs always have database errors, and the database cannot be connected at any time.

I'm very angry. Every time I open it, I encounter this. It's just a junk blog, a junk blog, a junk blog!!!

So this time, I really made up my mind to change it completely. In any case, the current server host will no longer be used. It is unbearable.

At present, it is planned to switch to CC, an overseas host

Filing is impossible. If Ali has 99 points, it can annoy me to death. I don't want to be harassed all day long. You don't need to be good to me. When you really need to be good to me, you don't do anything. Therefore, we will never put on record!!!

The certification of Baidu Alliance is really in place

Many years ago, I used Baidu Alliance, and then it was suspended due to filing problems. Later, I could not get the money out of my account. I opened it a few days ago and found that there were 90 oceans left. But to get this money, I had to sell my authentication information.

I refused and couldn't do it~~

 The certification of Baidu Alliance is really in place

 The certification of Baidu Alliance is really in place

To see why I refused, first download the app and use it to do face recognition. An advertising alliance, you have a face to face recognition certification, who knows what you collect for? Just for these dozens of dollars???

 The certification of Baidu Alliance is really in place

It doesn't matter what others think. What's important is that I don't like Baidu, and I am even more disgusted with the collection of information!


see Baidu Blog advertisement host Related articles for

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Comment list (63)

  1. It seems that I have upgraded the cannon, and the stability and speed are improved several gears than before Not expensive, only 159/year.

    1. I'm completely angry now. All day long, there are database errors and I can't use them. Must be replaced... 159 is still a very good price

    2. 159 It's very cost-effective. No matter how high the configuration is, stability is worth it

  2. No wonder your blog can open the home page two days ago. Clicking the content page is unable to link to the database.

    1. False, everything is false. It's true that it can't be opened~~

  3. At that time, you all blew fences, so I bought them for a year, and then used them for a few months. All kinds of problems emerged one after another. Customer service is almost devoid of basic knowledge. This kind of host is praised by you. Anyway, I first moved everything away, and then only put a bunch of pure static picture files, and then I still played the devil moth, and finally the service fee of more than half a year was used as a direct feed to wild dogs.

    1. In fact, at the beginning, I felt very good, at least stable. I forgot when to start this year. There are many problems. I can't stand frequent database errors

      1. All the virtual hosts in the world are second dealers who buy a VPS, install a control panel, and then split it for resale. In the past, the Internet might still work when there were not so many evil moths. Now the industry as a whole is degraded. Most of the second dealers have no technical ability at all. They don't even know what the HTTP certificate is. When something goes wrong, they tear it up with me, Then I thought it was like playing the piano on a snail, and even a mammal could not be counted. I had used the virtual host for nearly 10 years before the fence fell. I watched the industry decline like a cliff, and was trapped by two dealers for countless times. Fortunately, I used a lot of VPS during this period, and finally moved all the services to VPS. If I can start up and access the network, I will pull it down. All the services on the seventh layer are managed by myself, which saves the second dealer from meddling.

  4. Change it. I often can't visit your station, but don't waste too much money. It's OK to change it to something similar. Now I use Tencent's filing, and I've been thinking about whether to file it or not. Remember to write an article to share it for reference

    1. It won't cost too much. It doesn't suit my style. At most, the range is 100-150. I will share it when I change it

  5. A CC's price of 15 yuan has been paid for a long time. This year, no renewal is allowed. The only thing we know is that CC is really stable and the monitoring is basically online. When free Oracle still had downtime, CC's online rate unexpectedly exceeded Oracle's.

    1. If you are eating ash, can you resell it to me. Stability is what I seek

  6. Hurry to change to someone who doesn't need to hold the ladder

    1. Maybe you still need to help, after all, your network environment is a little bad

  7. The chicken bar is much more independent, and there are also many relatively cheap and stable businesses.

    1. Looking for the right one, change it when you find it

  8. reply Athurg Athurg

    I always use the free package of AWS. I don't think it's a big problem! That is to say, it is not too much trouble to re register once a year.

    Do you have a large number of requests?

    1. How many visitors can I get from this blog... The pictures are CDNs used in the external chain. With regard to the pages and some JS files, 10G traffic in a month can sustain

      1. reply Athurg Athurg

        Then I think you can try AWS's free package,

  9. RN CC is very cheap

    1. Cheap+stable, two factor consideration

      1. The machine hasn't been replaced

        1. Black Five can't buy cc server, wait

  10. I speak for CloudCone.

    1. At present, we give priority to this one. As a matter of fact, I can hardly find your website when you change your domain name frequently. You search your name to the homepage and then find your blog

      1. Don't worry, it will not be changed in the next 10 years. Please use RSS to subscribe.

  11. My previous standby machine racknerd is also very common

  12. Move to CC's house, very good.

    1. President Zhang also recommended CC, just waiting for a discount

  13. I am also bored by the server. Now I start to play pure static

    1. Pure static is not considered at present. I think it is troublesome to publish

  14. It seems that it is not easy to withdraw the 90 yuan.

    1. Be generous and send it to Baidu

  15. I now build my own server. When I find a cdn that does not need to be filed, I will completely replace it.

    1. It is impossible to have a cdn that does not need to be filed

  16. reply Dafeng Dafeng

    I use Tencent lightweight cloud, which is troublesome when filing

    1. I'm just afraid of trouble

  17. Will the filing be harassed? I haven't been harassed after filing for so many years

    1. If you stay in Alibaba Cloud or Tencent Cloud for a long time, the information will not be changed, the phone can be connected, and the filing will be normal. I mean harassment will be subject to various checks. In addition, the policies of each place are different. Maybe some online Jing will also care about it

  18. My blog has been attacked many times this year, and then I moved my blog to a project server. Bluehost, which is more than 1000 a year, still feels a little expensive, but it really resists attacks~

  19. I agree with you very much, especially if you don't use facial information.

    1. I am very resistant to those who need faces. The door of the community needs to be recorded, but I will not record it. I will use the access card to open the door or ask the security guard to open it

  20. It has been 8 months since I moved to the free Oracle VPS. It seems to be stable

    1. It's not easy to apply. I can't apply several times

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