Change the skin of the accounting program

The first version has been around for more than 3 years, and it has always been the old skin. This time, it is a skin change for this program, that is, a shell. I wanted to write again in the style of layui, but I was too lazy. First change the skin. The pages inside are still old. After testing the compatibility, there is no major problem.

Previously, it was an adaptive page, but now it is just widening the page.

 Change the skin of the accounting program

There is no major change in the main function. It is to add bookkeeping logs on the original basis, log records of records, modifications, and deletions, and record all saved parameters to the database in the form of json. An interface needs to be added to display this log for administrators to view.

However, after changing the skin, there is a new problem, that is, the menu permissions need to be rewritten, which is a troublesome thing. There will also be a list of statistics functions added. Previously, it was difficult to add functions because of the restrictions of the menu, but now you can add menus and functions without fear.


see php Bookkeeping procedure Related articles for

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Comment list (30)

  1. Blog's new skin looks much better

  2. I currently use an iOS accounting program called MoneyWiz 3

  3. It will be better to make a small program side bookkeeping.

    1. Unfortunately, I don't know applet...

  4. Make a small program, so that it can be used better.

    1. I don't want to provide applet services, nor do I handle applet.

  5. Build a WeChat applet, so that more people will use it,

  6. It's good to know PHP. Do whatever you want

    1. It's just a toss and turn

  7. reply one one

    How to use it

  8. Get rich~

  9. reply Php primary school students Php primary school students

    Good God, I have been paying attention to you. Can you send me a trial version after this update. Email

  10. I still put the data in my own hands and rest assured that the previously used accounting software has stopped serving. I really bother!

    1. Just feel relieved that the data is in your hands

  11. There are so many bookkeeping functions..

  12. reply Small fish Small fish

    We can't try it. How can we buy it? Take a trial station and let us use it

    1. There is an online version, you can contact if you need to try it.

  13. reply red autumnal leaves red autumnal leaves

    Is your org domain name stored in namesilo? How long will it take to transfer in

    1. Not more than one week

  14. I use APP to account on my mobile phone.

    1. App is much more convenient, but if you want to save data in other places, you always feel that it is not practical

  15. It would be better to incorporate the applet

    1. Applets are easy to use and difficult to deploy for many people. I don't want to provide this kind of service. What's the difference with other service providers

  16. The PC end online bookkeeping is not very timely, but it is convenient to use mobile phones.

    1. This question is under consideration. Let's see how to use some app shells to cover a version

  17. Accidentally, I saw that the accounting system was installed with version 2.4 released in the blog. Could you give me a try. Thank you very much.

  18. My new purchase, sales and inventory also uses layui. After recent contact, I found it very convenient. This bookkeeping can indeed be added. Last bookkeeping also used your previous version. I found some bugs, but I haven't changed them, and now they are not in use. Previously, I changed the use of the upcoming quick write account.

  19. reply Laoyu Laoyu

    The temporary version 2.4 is very good. When I graduate and have money, I will buy a new version to support the old wolf

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