I was hit by a car for the first time in my life

This is the first time that I was hit by a car, an electric car and hit the ground. I was unlucky to meet an electric cyclist who didn't obey the traffic rules and was driving too fast.

 I was hit by a car for the first time in my life

I went to the hospital to see the dentist early yesterday morning. After seeing the dentist more than 9 o'clock, I was ready to go to the company. Because there was a communication meeting with customers at 10:30, I had to get back to the company as soon as possible, at least not late. After all, it was the first time I met these people, and it was not easy to work after leaving a bad impression.

After I came out of the hospital, I walked very fast. When I came to the station, I needed to go to the middle of the road to get to the station (I saw it correctly, the station was in the middle of the road, and BRT stations were all like this). So I needed to cross the zebra crossing. I saw that the zebra crossing was already green, the lane was red, and the cars had stopped completely. So I wanted to walk to the station quickly, but I didn't know that a motorbike jumped out from the side of the car, and the speed was very fast, knocking me to the ground, and he also fell to the ground.

The first sentence I got up was: I wipe, don't you look at the light?

The other side did not make a sound. After getting up, he found that his elbow joint was a little sore, and his thigh was also a little sore. He thought he could still walk. And that guy's face is broken. I'm also in a hurry. Forget it. I think I'm unlucky and don't care about him.

If we really care, he must suffer. First, he rides the motorway, and second, he runs the red light. I passed the zebra crossing without responsibility.

Back to the company, take off your coat and check it. The skin is broken and there is no bleeding. It is protected by clothes, otherwise you can definitely see blood stains.

You should pay attention to safety when going out. You should also pay attention to pedestrians when riding. It is necessary to slow down properly.

Tomorrow is 2021. Is it customary to say that the year of egg pain is finally coming to an end, and I hope the new year will be better.

Five star pit

After buying a five-star pit house, it is time to collect it. Then many owners began to defend their rights. It is said that the biggest problem is noise. Some buildings are close to the expressway, so the noise is naturally greater. My building is relatively good.

I didn't notice the noise problem when I went there last time. I plan to go there tomorrow. If there is noise, it may be troublesome.

There are too many problems with the decoration. Last time I asked them to rectify them, I don't know whether they had all changed. The other party said they had, but I still need to go and have a look.

Besides, there were no tools last time. It was just a casual look.

In addition, the construction team went to block the door these days, but it is said that they did not get the project payment, and then someone called the police. How is this going to happen. I hope these project workers can get the money to go home for the Spring Festival. It's not easy for everyone.


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Comment list (62)

  1. You should remember protective driving when driving. You should also protect yourself when walking. Now electric cars have been adjusted, and they are very fast.

  2. If nothing happens, safety first!

  3. Female driver? I have been scared by women many times at zebra crossing. I feel that they are lack of "acceleration sensor" in their brain. They know that they need to slow down at intersections, but they never think they are fast...

  4. reply leaf leaf

    My friend crashed into a person by riding an electric bicycle in the middle of the night, and was injured by someone, and he lost 18 thousand yuan.

    1. Fracture, eighteen thousand is less

  5. reply lwt lwt

    safety first!

  6. It's OK. I'd better drive carefully in the future

    1. Shouldn't we walk carefully?

  7. reply sixteen sixteen

    My five-star home has not lived yet. The glass has changed color, and the cabinets and shoe cabinets are peeling

    1. What about Huizhou seaside? Are cabinets and shoe cabinets included in decoration?

      1. reply sixteen sixteen

        No, it's from Guangzhou. The shoe cabinet is customized in the garden, and the kitchen cabinet includes the disinfection cabinet, which seems to be available in the hardbound room, but now I would rather he did not have it

        1. Fine decoration cabinets are generally available, but the quality is not so good. The shoe cabinet is also equipped as standard?
          They were all fooled along the way...

  8. Half a month has passed, isn't it all right

    1. Good morning, thank you for your concern

  9. Electric cars are a disaster. They need to be cleaned up

  10. I prefer roughcast houses to hardbound houses. Hardbound houses are basically made for outsourcing, so the quality is good. I have to give rebates when I collect decoration fees. What good materials can I use

  11. It's good to have nothing to do with it. I think the goods are also very depressed. I almost hit them several times. Thank goodness, they all drove very fast.

    1. Be careful when you walk in the future

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