Real name authentication is an excuse

Everywhere there are real names. Even a small enterprise wants people to provide the front and back of ID cards under the banner of real names. Who authorized you to collect them? That's too much. For such enterprises, I can only say that my money will be given to you. After all, for me, you are not worthy of my trust at all.

Why does the other party need to provide ID card photos for payment? Don't take all kinds of reasons. It's just that you want to collect more ID card information. As for what you will do if you collect it, who knows and who promises?


Look, in addition to the bank card account number, ID card number and ID card photo, this is too much. I would rather not have the money inside. I can only say that this platform cannot be trusted. Don't touch it!!!

When asked about customer service, they still said they would provide it. If they didn't, they wouldn't pay. Well, you are ruthless. Your territory is up to you.


Look at another platform. The same is true name authentication. One by one, they are playing hooligans.


I can provide the ID number and authenticate the mobile phone. I think the ID photo is extremely sensitive. Why should I provide it casually?

So, for those who ask for ID cards casually, I can only say, "mouse tail juice".


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Comment list (33)

  1. We can find the root of everything that happens

    1. It's just an interface. The real name of the mobile phone card is made. Is it so easy to catch fraud calls

  2. The real name has been trumpeted since 2016, but it took several years to implement. The three operators gave the channel after they confirmed their real names. In the future, other platforms can verify their real names from the operators as long as they verify their mobile phone numbers. As a result, they are useless.
    Go to his grandma's real name.

    1. The real name of the operator, I think, is necessary, but the operator has not been put in place. But now it is gradually standardized. At least formal channels still require verification. As for other channels, there are still some without real names

  3. Forget about this platform

    1. I don't trust them at all. Like Baidu Alliance, I ignore it

  4. This? Forget it. It's normal to buy your information two days later.

  5. reply Hot sun and cold ice Hot sun and cold ice

    Which website? Complaints to the network supervision department

  6. Alas, there are too many mobile phone messages~

  7. The ID card can't be uploaded casually. The police station will catch you in the middle of the night one day. It's a bullshit real name system.

    1. I would rather give up the one hundred and dozens of dollars, and providing the ID number is the last bottom line I can accept

  8. Play rascal on the whole network

  9. Bullshit real name system. I think some small favors, such as lottery offers, are intended to deceive people into passing on personal information.

    1. I firmly refuse to provide ID card photos

  10. The rules of the game are like this

    1. Then don't participate in the game

  11. We can find the root of everything that happens

  12. In fact, it is OK to do the four elements authentication of bank card, without uploading ID card photos.

    1. The four element authentication requires an interface fee. It is estimated that many small companies do not want to pay for it. They can also sell a wave of ID card information if they set up a process.

      1. I don't think such a small company will pick up these

  13. Now the most valuable thing is personal information big data

  14. I am a small company, and I will not give identity information, especially the small domestic businesses that sell host computers

  15. It's disgusting. Information selling is too rampant now

  16. According to the anti money laundering and anti-terrorism financing management measures of payment institutions, it is required to perform effective certificate verification and retain photocopies for verification when a third party provides payment business. So what you are worried about is not a simple real name system or such a small platform, but a national action

    1. The four elements of the bank check, is it not in compliance with the regulations, and payment cannot be made???

      1. The original text literally means that the documents need to be archived, and the four elements of bank card are totally useless. Just look at the news about selling your bank card for money laundering

        1. You can trust those small enterprises??? The bank can sell the four elements. What enterprises can't sell your ID photos directly?

  17. Some even hold ID card photos, which is terrible

    1. I feel like I'm going to take out a loan

  18. reply wys wys

    Brother, you are also the whole enterprise. Collect him for fun?

    1. It's no use coming to someone who doesn't have this mentality

  19. This is really disgusting, I agree with your approach, but it seems that many of the costs involved have done so. I wonder if some departments require this.

  20. Many services that want to use are discouraged by either ID card upload or face recognition.

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