China Mobile's routine

I have to say that the routine of China Mobile is really endless. At the beginning of last month, because of the deduction of the flow fee by China Mobile, I asked the customer service to cancel the online function for me in anger. So far, I have not used the online function of China Mobile.

However, a few days ago, I received a text message saying that I had deducted the traffic, although I would not deduct the fee. But I was puzzled. I asked to turn off the Internet function. Can I continue to surf the Internet? It's no use asking you to turn it off? Since there is no fee deduction, I don't want to say anything more, just ask what the current status is, and reply that I am not closed, then I will continue to ask that I turn off the Internet function! The customer service said that they had done it for me and would call to open it when needed. I confirm again and again, will it not open automatically? Get a clear answer. I hung up the phone and sent a text message:

 Cancel the interception of high-frequency harassing calls

I have understood the message. This means that I turned on the high-frequency harassment phone interception function (free of charge) a while ago, and then triggered the Internet access function. Are these two functions tied together? Then some harassing calls are intercepted, which consumes hundreds of kilobytes of traffic. Now if I cancel the Internet access function, the blocking function will be automatically canceled.

It is really God like logic, full of routines. I'm thinking, if there is no traffic in my package, will it become a deduction? You should know that the traffic fee of China Mobile is really not generally high.

In a few days, I will try to turn on the interception function again, and then ask the customer service whether to turn on the Internet function, and it will be clear.

Pagoda loophole

It was released on the pagoda's official website yesterday《 About Linux panel 7.4.2 and Windows panel 6.8 emergency security update 》: This update is an emergency security update. Users of Linux version 7.4.2 and Windows version 6.8 must update to the latest version (other versions will not be affected). The update method is to log in to the panel, click Update in the upper right corner of the home page. If the update fails, please try to repair the panel or contact customer service.

According to what is said on the Internet, this time it has affected some gov websites. There will always be someone who wants to share something important. Everything is good. Try not to touch anything related to gov, because I don't know when it will explode.

 Pagoda loophole

If you are using the pagoda panel, please upgrade it as soon as possible. But I'm a virtual host, so don't worry about these broken things.

Pagoda is really a useful tool for many beginners, but it may not be suitable for some people who love to toss and turn... After all, there are too many substitutes.

Suddenly, I felt that the pagoda was a little like DEDECMS...


see loophole host China Mobile vps Related articles for

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Comment list (30)

  1. In China, being a minority means you can't avoid trouble. Mobile is also a headache for people like you who don't turn on traffic. As a programmer, you have to add a special judgment condition for not turning on traffic.
    Although I use a pagoda, I haven't registered a phone, hey hey.

    1. The main reason is that it is too expensive to deduct extra fees when moving, so I don't want to be trapped. I think it shares the same control with anti harassment interception.
      It's OK if the pagoda doesn't open those ports, but I don't know why it will leave a password free login.

  2. reply lush mountain lush mountain

    Intercepting harassing calls is not a function that ordinary mobile phones have. Mobile still has this service.

    1. Free service from KTFSR to 10086

    2. Mobile's anti harassment is blocked on the operator's cloud.

  3. reply Lao Yang Lao Yang

    Does the high frequency interference call interception function require traffic? I also opened it. I didn't need any traffic. It can't be moved and inserted in the second position.

    1. reply Lao Yang Lao Yang

      I have just looked at it, and it seems that there is indeed 0. several megabytes of traffic

      1. Yeah, but no deduction?

        1. reply Lao Yang Lao Yang

          There is no fee deduction, but I send 200M of traffic every month, and forget when to send it

          1. If it is bound to a package, the package will remain unchanged.

  4. reply wys wys

    Always get a 10086 call asking if you need to upgrade? Do I need you to ask? Bt vulnerability, handled well, can be used as a propaganda ha! DedeCms, I'm a little impressed. I don't know how the development is now.

    1. The upgrade is to make you spend more money. I don't need it. In fact, pagodas should still have a large share in the market. After all, they are simple and easy to use. I have also used them. DedeCms should be half dead. I didn't pay attention to it.

  5. These companies have old routines, such as the out of print Liu Bangka used by my neighbor. The customer service called me and said that everything was too fancy. The neighbor didn't know how to answer it. The monthly rent in the early 20s of January was about 50. I told him to go to the sales hall or call customer service to cancel. Fortunately, it was cancelled. One year later, prepare to replace bt with xp

    1. This kind of complaint is to cheat customers to operate at random. In fact, the pagoda is not bad, just remember to update it, but it may occupy some resources.

  6. At the end of last year, I applied for an 8 yuan insurance number package, and gave away 30 minutes of calls and 500M of traffic.

    1. 8 yuan is still so much, conscience. My 8 yuan only has 30 minutes or 100M traffic, choose one from the other.....

      1. It's all a mobile routine. The SMS that just tried to transfer its number to the network is told that it is using its 500M traffic and 30 minute call, and it will not expire until September 2021. It's really cheap to move.

  7. The three operators are all like birds, with various routines!

  8. They are all kinds of routines. Compared with dedecms, they are really appropriate. They are the same popular, have the same black recruit attribute, and have the same (reportedly) many holes.

    1. Because it is easy to use, many people have studied it.

  9. The three operators have the same routine

  10. The pagoda panel has never been used. I don't know why I dare not use it. emm

    It seems that these operators are so black. Today, I called and said that I would spend about 35 yuan and change the 35 yuan package for me. What a fool?

    1. It's just that some people have been fooled....
      Pagoda, suitable for many novices, is really convenient

  11. reply lwt lwt

    It has not been updated for 5 days. Can you update the website to make us happy

  12. My mobile card is in the status of 8 yuan security number. I haven't called for many years, and I haven't used the traffic

  13. The virtual host can also use the pagoda. It's hard for me to use the pagoda for 512m vps

    1. 512 Sure resources are tight

  14. Is mobile network still popular? Unicom's traffic fee is too expensive, so is broadband

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