Website statistics replacement

I used Baidu to do statistics for a long time, but later found that the keywords that Google came in could not be counted. I wondered if it was the pot of Baidu statistics, so I decided to change all the pages of my blog to CNZZ. It was very painful when I changed it, but I also added a js file to take advantage of this change, and the statistics code was thrown here. It is also convenient to change statistics in the future.

 Website statistics replacement

CNZZ also has 1-2 weeks. I occasionally look at the statistical results and find that the traffic seems to have declined. I don't know whether it is the real decline or the statistical reason? But it doesn't matter. It's just a little popular. What's to worry about.

When using CNZZ, the most unpleasant thing is that the verification code is also entered when viewing. It is a silly design. Can't you not enter the verification code by default? The interface after entering is also quite low, I can't stand it. Yesterday, I switched back to Baidu Statistics.

Although there are some disappointments, it's not too bad. I don't see many times. It's good to have a general data occasionally.

National toll roads will resume charging from 0:00 on May 6

For me, it doesn't matter. It's mainly because I don't want to go anywhere during the epidemic, so whether to charge or not really doesn't matter. It really has an impact on people who often have to run at high speed.

Yesterday (April 28), the Ministry of Transport released a message saying: "With the consent of the State Council, toll roads across the country will resume charging from 00:00 on May 6." Previously, toll roads across the country were free of vehicle tolls from 00:00 on February 17. This toll road free period totaled 79 days. The longest toll road free period in history is coming to an end. Open toll highways and ordinary highways shall be subject to the time when vehicles pass through the toll lane of the toll station, and closed expressways shall be subject to the time when vehicles pass through the exit lane.

 National toll roads will resume charging from 0:00 on May 6

Ministry of Transport: ETC exit channel can display the whole amount

After the toll road resumed charging, have the existing problems been solved? The official micro blog of the Ministry of Transport responded to the hot issues of public concern.

Q: What adjustments and improvements have been made to the ETC system failure at the initial stage of canceling the provincial toll station? Has it been stabilized?

Answer: After the cancellation of the provincial toll station of the expressway, some areas have had outstanding problems such as wrong billing, repeated billing, wrong billing time, multiple deduction of fees for one pass, etc. during the running in period of system conversion, which has brought troubles to users. In response, local transportation authorities and expressway management units carried out the "zero clearing" action of systematic problems, comprehensively investigated and rectified the problems found; The system optimization project was started. At present, all work is being vigorously and orderly promoted, and all problems found have been rectified. For the new problems that may arise after the recovery of charges this time, a technical guarantee mechanism has been established, which will urge and guide all regions to verify the situation at the first time and properly deal with it in a timely manner.

Q: Can the ETC lane display the whole amount in time?

A: After the cancellation of the provincial toll station of the expressway at the beginning of this year, the vehicles in the ETC exit lane do not display the total toll amount, but provide the fee inquiry service through pushing information or bills. However, some of the public raised their opinions on this. In order to meet the public demand, local transportation authorities and expressway operation and management units organized and carried out the ETC "fee display" project. At present, all the exit lanes of the expressway can display all the tolls of this trip. The Ministry of Transport reminds drivers to check the "fee display" on the premise of ensuring safety. In addition, the Ministry of Transport will continue to provide query services such as WeChat official account, APP, applet and sending fee deduction SMS.

Q: Is the information related to toll station settings and toll standards open and transparent? Is there a convenient way to obtain the details of toll?

Answer: According to the provisions of the Regulations on the Administration of Toll Roads, the provincial people's government should disclose the names of toll roads and toll stations, toll units, toll standards, toll periods and other information within its administrative region to the public; Toll road operators and managers shall set up bulletin boards at prominent locations of toll stations containing the names of toll stations, examination and approval authorities, toll collection units, toll collection standards, starting and ending toll collection years, supervision telephone numbers, etc., and accept supervision.

At the same time, local transportation authorities and highway operation and management units constantly optimize and improve the service channel functions such as small programs or APP, WeChat official account, so as to facilitate the public to query the toll details and monthly statements. At present, each province (district, city) has at least one channel to provide inquiry services for the public.

Q: After withdrawing from the station, some car owners reported that the 95022 customer service phone could not be reached. How can the transportation department improve the efficiency and quality of customer service?

A: In order to meet the travel service needs of national ETC customers, local transportation departments promote 95022, 12328 and local service hotlines to jointly provide services for the public. At the same time, a rapid handling mechanism for interprovincial complaints has been established, the expressway network wide operation and service rules have been revised, and the ETC customer service ranking list has been established to urge and guide local governments to strengthen the construction of customer service support capacity, increase customer service personnel, better provide high-quality services to the public, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the public.

Q: Has the problem of receiving multiple mobile phone fee deduction SMS messages at one time been solved?

Answer: In order to solve the problem of one-time pass and multiple deduction of fees, local transportation authorities and expressway management units have organized and carried out a system optimization project. By integrating relevant information, "one trip, one bill, one deduction and one notification" has been initially realized.


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Comment list (37)

  1. I also make do with Baidu statistics

    1. At home, it's just fine

  2. I'm still in chinz. Not very demanding. It depends on the number of people.

    1. It is troublesome to view

  3. I tried to install jetpack before, which slowed down the speed..
    In the end, it also changed back to Baidu Statistics~

    1. It's unnecessary to slow down. Baidu's statistical speed is good. Your blog link has written the wrong letter, which has been secretly changed for you.

  4. I don't even need Baidu statistics anymore. It has a delay of 0.1s. It's useless to use it again. From web3.0 to 5G era, who cares about blog.

    1. If the blogger doesn't care, no one really cares

  5. I abandoned cnzz very early. I even forgot why I abandoned it too early.

    1. I don't have to wait for cnzz, but Baidu Statistics can't count keywords from Google. I think cnzz can, but I'm disappointed

  6. I used Baidu statistics, but it seems that I have never seen it

  7. reply Adele Adele

    Can I change the feed output article full text?

    1. Tell me why?

      1. reply Adele Adele

        After outputting the full text, you can see all the contents of the article without clicking the link

        1. The summary output is to see the beginning, and then click it. Don't waste time reading what you don't need to read.

          1. reply Adele Adele

            You can only read a few sentences after you output the full text

  8. I use Baidu statistics, but basically I will not check the statistical information unless I encounter abnormal traffic conditions. One time I happened to check, I found a malicious mirror station and spent some time shielding it.

    1. Garbage must be shielded and not be soft

  9. reply Lao Yang Lao Yang

    Google statistics;
    ETC export can show the whole process cost. The bill will be deducted one by one, and it would be better to attach notes.

    1. It is sometimes inconvenient to check the Yaomu disciples.
      If the bill is deducted at the same time, it's OK. It will be silly in a few days

  10. Only recently did I know that the leader of cnzz was accepted by Alibaba.

    1. It has been acquired for many years

  11. I used to use Baidu for statistics, but later I felt that it didn't work, so I removed these things.

    1. It is possible to get rid of talents with higher level

  12. Used 51. la statistics, cnzz statistics, Baidu statistics, Google statistics... Now all of them are useless, removed, meaningless

    1. The realm is high, and statistics are unnecessary

  13. I used 51 statistics, and cnzz also used it but forgot the account password; I only remember that 51 is a random statistic anyway
    During the free period, the trucks and mud trucks on the expressway will be crowded up if they can get on the expressway anyway, and they will be charged after the May Day holiday; Anyway, it doesn't affect me. I didn't install ETC

    1. It will be more and more inconvenient not to install ETC. But it doesn't matter if it's basically not high-speed

  14. Baidu statistics show that there are few searches from Google. I don't know whether it is true or false. I remember that there was more traffic from Google than Baidu before

    1. But what keywords can't be displayed

  15. There is no need to make statistics now. It doesn't feel useful. emm

    In addition, I don't want to run the ETC after charging by sections last year. I only got on the expressway for free this year.

    1. It is said that the current mode has changed back to the previous one, and it is really frustrating. I don't know who asked to change it

  16. I haven't seen the statistics for a long time. It's estimated that it's about the same as before, 30 ip per day

    1. I'm a little better than you. I have several more IPs

  17. Both are useful. The cnzz verification code is really speechless. I don't know what the meaning is, and sometimes I misread it At present, Baidu is dominant.

    1. The verification code is really annoying. After a few days in CNZZ, it returned to Baidu for statistics

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