Review process of product interaction prototype

Product interaction prototype is an important output in the process of product requirements. It not only determines the form of the product presentation layer, but also can better verify the requirements and clarify the product goals under the condition of intuitively displaying the product functions. The establishment of the interaction prototype scheme usually comes from the joint review of cross department personnel. How to effectively conduct interaction review is often a headache for many interaction designers. We can consider the following aspects.

 Review process of product interaction prototype

be careful : Many companies do not separate the position of interaction designer and use the product manager responsibility system, so most of the following work is undertaken by the product manager.

Preparation before review

Initiate review notice at least one day in advance, reserve meeting room, projection, etc., and specify the review content, meeting time, meeting place, and participants in the email. Prequalification shall be conducted when necessary according to business and personnel conditions.

Pay attention to several points

1. Review content: a brief introduction can be made in the email, and the interactive prototype or link can be attached to let the participants have a certain understanding of the meeting content, make preparations before the meeting, avoid blind participation in the review, which will lead to a long meeting time and reduce the efficiency of the meeting.

2. Review materials: mainly interactive prototypes, different versions of interactive prototypes, design reference materials, competitive product analysis materials, and data analysis materials, if any, may be used in the review process. It is better to bring your own notebook, so that you can switch materials, demonstrate and compare them during the presentation, and effectively express your own design scheme to increase persuasiveness.

3. Selection of participants: the executives involved in each link of product development, such as product manager (PD), vision, front-end, project manager (PM), testing, optional customer service, customer full, operation, data mining, etc., are determined according to the product situation. Coordinate the time of personnel to avoid re evaluation due to the absence of mandatory personnel during the review. It is most efficient to control the number of meeting personnel below 10.

Under review

During the review process, the designer should pay attention to controlling the progress of the meeting, the function points to be reviewed, the approximate time, and the discussion should not deviate from the theme, and should be pulled back in time.

When reviewing business, designers should also pay attention that we are reviewing interactive prototypes, not the designers themselves. Our goal is to find as many problems as possible. The more problems we find in this stage, the less risk we will have. Avoid problems being iterated and magnified.

1. Introduce the situation of target users and experience objectives

It is suitable for carrying out a new product. People are not clear about the background of the new product, or the newly formed virtual team is not familiar with each other, and mutual trust is still being established. This can quickly let people understand the background of the interactive prototype, so that your design has roots.

2. From the perspective of users, it is carried out in the way of user experience

According to the various operation steps that users need to go through to achieve user goals, the user centered review can be more driven. It is not a discussion aimed at the realization of technology.

3. From the whole to the details, give priority to the innovation

For example, from the functional structure flow chart to the interaction mode, interaction details, presentation forms, copywriting, whether they meet the needs, whether they meet the potential needs, and whether they meet the specific customer groups. Whether the conditions of the previous step and the next step are taken into account, whether they are humanized, whether the interaction mode of the function module is reasonable, and whether they can be realized.

4. Day reading form, natural page form

All kinds of design schemes are prepared. Sometimes, in the same situation, in different scenarios, there may be differences in the possible implementation methods. Select the scheme that best matches the current situation, the current scenario, and the cost is controllable.

5. Show the operation and customer service personnel as soon as possible, and they may put forward other requirements

Because operations may need to add their operational requirements to your interaction prototype, which is conducive to operational activities. Customer service contacts users most, which may help you find out the pain points of users.

6. Guide colleagues in all roles into discussion

Colleagues at all posts will review the current prototype from their own professional perspective and fully discuss the feasibility of the prototype. You can direct guidance, ask the front end whether the interaction mode can be realized, whether there is a better way to achieve it, and cooperate with the development discussion. If this design is done, whether the back end can make real-time response, whether there will be delay, etc. Listen to suggestions from all aspects, you may find details that you did not pay attention to, and micro innovation is also conducive to scheme improvement.

Details to pay attention to

1. Avoid making subjective comments and introducing visual elements too early. Avoid personnel from commenting on colors and button forms while ignoring key points. When designing prototypes, we should pay more attention to the interaction itself rather than the design of the visual range. When the wireframe and the visual draft form a strong contrast, the interaction and vision will achieve their own design goals.

2. If there are many people, there will be more opinions. Pay attention to avoid deviating from the theme and guide rapid decision-making.

3. For controversial designs, it may be an opportunity to redesign and innovate by putting forward your own ideas and conducting a storm.

4. For entangled matters, if you can't measure which is better, write it down first, and then find someone to solve it privately.

Work after review

At the end of the review, the recorder of the meeting will repeat the problems again to avoid omission. The problems will be summarized and sent out in the form of email, which will help designers to compare problems and solve all problems.


1. The modified interaction prototype is sent to everyone again via email for email review. Make sure that everyone has no doubt, and conduct a second review unless necessary.

2. If it is necessary to find the relevant personnel to solve the unsolved problems in the meeting in private, the way to solve them can be explained in the email.

3. Analyze the problem list to see if some points can be recorded in the interactive checklist, and constantly update and improve.

The interaction designer should pay attention to the interaction review. The interaction prototype is the first production of prototype in the whole product process, the first demonstration of its design scheme in the interaction design, which determines the future interaction tracking situation. The interaction designer needs to track the visual, front-end, and development, solve problems in time, and ensure the realization and transmission of the design scheme.

Article from: , slightly modified.


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Comment list (9)

  1. The original text only gives the text, not the link, which is not very good. The prototype was made with axure many years ago and has not been played for a long time

    1. There is no need to link. If you want to read the original text, you will naturally read it

  2. The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is that I want to put the product manager and the company boss on a stick to spread barbecue sauce.

    1. Finally, remember to add cumin to taste better.

      1. Cumin is no good, to save others from talking about pan halal.

  3. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

    Boss: I talked with my friend XXX yesterday. He thought that our product should add a function... (1000 words are omitted here)
    People below the stage: This function is good... The boss is wise... (500 words are omitted here)
    Me: It's meaningless for us to use this function now. The development cycle and difficulty are a little high
    Boss: We are trying to get rid of people's opinions (mainly because we are angry with me). You should think about this function again, and can it be developed the day after tomorrow?
    People below the stage: This function is very simple, such as xxxxx
    After several days of online use:
    Boss: My XXX friend said that we should not use the previous function. You can drop it today
    Me: MMB

    1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

      People below the stage: This function is very simple (single), for example: xxxxx

    2. Every company, as long as the number of people is large, there are always similar people... Truly, TM is an apple polisher

      1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

        They all come with the idea that it's not too big to watch the excitement, and they don't need to be responsible for talking nonsense

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