PHP multi-user bookkeeping program V1.1 source code sharing


1. Since many people don't provide any information when they ask questions, they just wait for me to guess. I ignore such questions.

2. If there are new requirements in the future, they will be modified in a unified way and will not be modified temporarily, except for BUGs that affect the use of the system.

20190127 Description

1. Add the account management function to automatically add or subtract the amount of the account. If bookkeeping is reasonable, the system will make it clear the surplus and flow of funds at a glance

2. Add the function of online modification of system configuration (website name, website address, multi-user switch or not)

3. Repair the bug in the pop-up window of the classification page under IOS

20190124 Description

1. The current version is released on January 24. It fixes the problem of identifying encrypted files in some PHP versions, especially PHP 7

2. Add administrator function (only the first user is an administrator during installation, and the subsequent registered users are non administrators)

3. Administrators can view registered users and disable other users (disabled users cannot log in, but their data is not affected)

4. Add the option of whether to enable multi-user (see data/config. php). The default is off. You can register an account after it is enabled. If it is enabled and then closed, the registered account can be logged in without being affected

5. Modify the engine of MYSQL to InnoDB. By consulting the data, InnoDB engine has more advantages

6. Add the encryption mode that judges support PHP 7, mainly the encryption of user information after login (avoid checking the database again)

Important notes

Since there is an encrypted file in the source code, the file needs to be uploaded in binary mode, otherwise the file cannot be identified and the screen may be blank.

It has been found that the FlashFXP tool has problems with some Linux server uploads. It is recommended to use FileZilla.

Introduction to source code

I shared the experience address yesterday, and made many adjustments later. This morning, I repaired the bug again. It mainly involves several aspects:

1. Fix the import and export problems. There was no judgment on the remarks before;

2. The problem of repeatedly querying the database during import has been eliminated;

3. Optimize SMTP sending. I didn't know why I had to import two files before, but this time I changed them to one class;

4. Optimize the code of the password retrieval interface. When retrieving the password and sending a message, you can directly call a function. Previously, the code was written in the login_chk.php interface, which was ugly;

5. Further standardize the parameter judgment of date.php page, and use a unified judgment method to facilitate subsequent upgrades;

6. Encrypt/inc/content.php. The public version of this file is encrypted. Do not use it if you don't like it;

7. Publish source code to Github

 PHP multi-user bookkeeping program V1.1 source code sharing

Next action

1. Continue to repair the bug inside

2. Optimize code structure

3. Consider modifying the database table name. The current table name is not my preferred naming method

4. See what features can be added

Source code address


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Comment list (245)

  1. After installation and login, it is found that the system management prompts HTTP ERROR 500 error~

    1. reply RockyCoder RockyCoder

      I don't know how to solve it

  2. reply stronger stronger

    Hello, I'm a student. I like your design very much. I'm studying now. I want to request whether the content.php code can be opened for learning

  3. reply Grey Wolf is very handsome Grey Wolf is very handsome

    Taobao search php accounting system someone is using the things you developed to make profits.... I don't know if you know

    1. Thanks for reminding me, I found out. How many shameless people!

  4. reply Wind blown PPT Wind blown PPT

    It's very useful to use to do your own financial management. Thanks for sharing!!! Simple picture, quick response! Function is practical!

  5. reply Lonely Walker Lonely Walker

    I use http://localhost:88/ Why don't you go in? http://localhost:88/ Not even this

  6. reply Song Xiaomao Song Xiaomao

    Hello teacher, I found another bug. Have time to look.
    There are thousands of positive amounts in the account management. I spent a sum of 99.80 yuan. When I pressed the keyboard, I didn't notice that I wrote - 9999999. I saved about 7 or 8 of them. Finally, when looking at the amount under account management, I found that there was a problem. It was modified to correct in the query and modification, and it was found that the amount under account management was -99.80.

    1. Thank you for your feedback. It is preliminarily suspected that the field value overflows, and it is being checked.

    2. The problem has been located to and is being repaired. thank!!

      1. reply Song Xiaomao Song Xiaomao

        I should thank my teacher for selflessly doing such good things.

  7. reply Ice wolf Ice wolf

    It is very necessary to upload the documents, calculate and keep the expenditure and income documents with roommates, so as to facilitate future verification! Thank you!

  8. reply one hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-five one hundred and twenty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-five

    Still updating No

  9. reply eleven thousand one hundred and eleven eleven thousand one hundred and eleven

    Where to delete the details of a bug? The account amount will not be increased or decreased after the one click deletion is selected

    1. If you use an old version, there will be this problem

      1. reply eleven thousand one hundred and eleven eleven thousand one hundred and eleven

        Latest version

        1. The latest version is 2.6! I wonder if your latest version was obtained from me. But it seems that I haven't provided a download

          1. reply eleven thousand one hundred and eleven eleven thousand one hundred and eleven

            Why did you download your code cloud

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