Blogging becomes normal

As the blog host is moved to the other side of the Pacific Ocean, distance not only produces beauty, but also generates network interruption. In addition to the various urine properties of domestic operators, as well as the great wall, it is inevitable that there will be no access.

Now, less than two months later, the number of times that I cannot access is countless. Although it is a matter of a few seconds in many cases, I still feel uncomfortable. After all, I am also a paid user. I pay for the network and I pay for the host. Why should I suffer such a crime? "Why? Just because you are Pemin!", "Well, you won..."

 Blog ventilation

So every time I write an article, especially in the background, I am very cautious. Before submitting, I must Ctrl+c once, for fear of sudden death, and then the article I just wrote cannot be found.

Although this habit is useless in many cases, it is still useful at the critical moment.

Google still doesn't kill me

Although the interface says [This usually takes less than 1 day, but in some cases it may take a little longer], I must be the latter, in some cases! As for what happened, we can't know.

 Adsense application in progress

When will it pass? Or they can't pass at all. They don't know. Everything is left to their fate.

I really can't pass. I have no way. After all, if you want to participate in other people's games, you must play according to their rules.

Should we eat fast food?

The news that broke out these two days about how fast food is made is undeniable. Some fast food should be very dirty. Whether you can eat those things depends on your luck. When I go to work, I basically don't eat takeout. But it doesn't mean that nothing will happen without taking delivery.

Go to the scene, at least relatively speaking, it should be better. After all, you may see something you shouldn't see.

Another criterion is whether the shopkeeper eats or not. If the shopkeeper eats all the food, he can eat it with confidence. People will not poison him, will they?

But if you don't eat fast food, what will you eat? Is it difficult to cook by yourself? Can we ensure 100% safety of raw materials? Absolutely impossible. It can only be said that it will be safer than before. Nothing is absolute.

Do you drink the fake milk powder or milk tea? Please observe carefully! Not that they can't afford it, but that they dare not drink it!!!

tea with milk? ha-ha! I don't drink anyway.

On Friday, when I was about to leave work, I was asked to have a drink or a hot drink. I didn't think much about it at that time. I thought it was a good hot drink, and I was hungry at 6 o'clock.

When I get off work, I open a box, wipe it, take another sip of milk tea, and feel the taste. If I eat some more so-called pearls, I can't swallow them and throw them into the garbage can beside the road


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Comment list (24)

  1. Since 1992, I have eaten fast food for 26 years. It's a miracle that I didn't get hepatitis.
    Since I installed ABP, I have never considered advertising revenue, whether it is my own or others'. I don't know whether my Google adsense is still effective after so long.

    1. The same is true for me. Anyway, the common browser must be installed. Currently, ADblock is used. I didn't give it twice, but I gave it up

  2. It is recommended to choose the nearest host, such as Hong Kong, China, South Korea, or go directly to vps.

    1. The main reason is that we are unwilling to invest in this field. If we spend purely, we should not waste it.

  3. Write Markdown locally for many years, and then convert it into html and paste it on WordPress. The complexity of the mainland network situation cannot be explained by a high wall.
    The United States is also a rest day. You should also consider it.
    Where did the fast food news hit? The aggregate rubbish like Baidu can't be found. Is it the headline today?

    1. The audit results just now are the same. I won't give them. Has given up
      I read the news from the official account, Southern Metropolis Daily, at noon on the 17th

  4. I thought that as long as I applied for GGAD, I could pass, but what if I passed? I can't expect myself to use adblock because my income is not large. Others don't need it... So the advertising alliance should be calm

    1. He has given up his application, let him die on his own

  5. I write them locally in markdown, and then Ctrl+V to the blog.

    In addition, local articles are backed up through OneDrive.

  6. The advertising revenue of Google in China is not high, and the number of people who are blocked may be outrageous.

    1. I am in the mindset of coming when I have something to do and not even counting

  7. Usually, the writing is local, and the copy is submitted. I'm afraid.

  8. Fortunately, you can access your blog normally every time you open it Very few takeout orders are to eat more in the store.

    1. I seldom order takeout. The blog occasionally has a seizure. I'm not sure if it's my local network problem

  9. Some time ago, my blog also had a chill. Recently, I'm fine.

  10. It's better to buy a vps than an old Xue American host
    My blog is a vps that pays $6 a year
    It's cheaper than yours It's better than yours

    1. Yes, which one can recommend? Replace it when it expires

  11. reply Lao Yang Lao Yang

    Hurry up to get on the VPS on Black Five. You can hang up an AFF here. It should be easy for VPS to return. You must Ctrl+c once before submitting - I also have this good habit~

    1. I just bought the virtual host for a short time, so I don't want to waste it.
      The main reason for ctrl+c is that the host is afraid

  12. Blog data has been stored on foreign hosts for years, so it is not easy to ensure data security.

  13. Fast food is really not suitable for long-term eating. It's better to make it at home

    1. If possible, it must be your own cooking

  14. Let you go to vps The virtual host is really uncomfortable

    1. If you want me to discard a virtual host, I can't do it

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