Execute new regulations Yu Libao

Recently, Alipay issued another new regulation, which is about Yu Libao in Alipay. Many friends should be familiar with Yu Libao. After more and more restrictions related to Yu Libao, Alipay launched the Yu Libao function. Compared with Yu Libao, Yu Libao not only has higher interest rates, but also does not charge service fees for cash withdrawal. For example, the upper limit of Yu'e Bao's personal account deposit is 100000 yuan, while Yu Libao's personal account has reached 10 million yuan, and the enterprise's personal account has reached 50 million yuan. The withdrawal amount is less than 1 million yuan. The withdrawal amount is received on the same day, and there is no service charge for the withdrawal of Yu Libao.

 Execute new regulations Yu Libao

Due to many advantages of Yu Libao, Yu Libao has also attracted many consumers. However, from From October 18 of next month Yu Libao has some restrictions in some aspects. According to the official announcement of Alipay, according to the regulatory requirements, from October 18, the daily T+0 quick redemption limit of Yu Libao will be reduced from the current 1 million yuan to 10000 yuan, and the redemption of more than 10000 yuan will arrive on the T+1 day.

In short, Yu Libao's new regulations refer to the daily quick redemption. Before the implementation of the new regulations, the daily quick redemption limit of Yu Libao was 1 million yuan, which meant that 1 million yuan could be quickly withdrawn and received on the same day. However, after the implementation of this new regulation, the limit of single day quick redemption will be reduced to 10000 yuan, and the part exceeding 10000 yuan will be received the next day.

 Execute new regulations Yu Libao

So what is the impact of this new regulation on each of us? Generally speaking, it has no obvious impact on most of our users. After all, the amount of 10000 yuan is enough to deal with most situations, but it has a certain impact on some users who have more deposits. In case of an emergency, the amount of 10000 yuan will definitely be limited.


see Alipay Yu Ebao Yu Libao Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link: https://itlu.net/articles/2517.html

Comment list (11)

  1. Do not trust, do not open. Even if his surname is Ma.

    1. It seems that I haven't opened it. In contrast, for domestic payment, I prefer the old Ma's

    2. There are two domestic payments, one surnamed Ma and the other surnamed Ma.

      1. The old horse is much more generous than the pony

  2. Only Alipay is activated

  3. Alas, I feel that the bank cake is restricted everywhere==

  4. It is estimated that sometimes the credit of CBRC

  5. Where is Yu Libao opened

    1. Alipay app, next to Yu'ebao

  6. They all got Yu'e Bao, and Yu'e Libao deposited it at around 6:00 at the earliest. Later, it was reduced and then disappeared.

    1. Now Yu Libao is too low

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