The wonderful design of Jingdong Alliance

The wonderful design of Jingdong Alliance

Last time, when I said I bought a router, @ Xiaojun said that we could save 20 dollars through JD Alliance. When I saw this message, I felt very sad. It's not necessary to pull off JD's dog hair.

Remembering that I had registered with JD Alliance before, I logged in and found myself digging a hole! The current JD Alliance account is directly logged in with the JD account. They are originally integrated. But in the past, when the accounts were not unified, I used a non-existent ID card information to verify the authentication information of JD Alliance, but JD actually passed. Now we need to bind the bank card number of the person at that time, but where can I find this bank card number? It's impossible!

One thing is that the verified information is not allowed to be modified. At least there is no place to modify the interface, and after searching on the Internet, it is also said that it cannot be modified.

Since this method does not work, I re registered an account and found that my ID card information could not be bound to it, indicating that my information already exists.

In fact, it is JD Alliance and JD. Previously, there were two sets of ID card information, but now they are uniformly authenticated. So... my information has been authenticated and can no longer be used.

The relationship is JD account: JD1, authentication information: ACC1, corresponding alliance account: JD1, authentication information: ACC2

Re register JD account: JD2, corresponding alliance account: JD2, authentication information: ACC1, and remind me that the information exists.

At this point, we still can't play JD Alliance. It's not fun at all.

Things about bike sharing

Sharing bicycles is convenient for many people, but it also brings many problems, which also reflects the quality and psychological problems of many people.

At present, OFO vehicles are the most, but also the most broken vehicles. There are broken cars everywhere, but they are also thrown everywhere. In addition, there is no positioning, which is endless. Then the passwords of old cars are fixed and have become real bike sharing. You can use OFO bike sharing without even registering.

 Bike sharing

However, enterprises don't manage so much. They just want people to use it, whether you destroy it or not. Anyway, it's not the money of enterprises, it's the money of investors. Only when there are more users, investors will come in one after another, and the enterprise will live well.

A few days ago, I found a small black car downstairs. The lock of the car is missing, and nobody has touched it for several consecutive days. I don't understand

 Bike sharing


see JD.COM Bike sharing Related articles for

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Comment list (27)

  1. Xiaohuang has occupied the market with such a B design.. Only a few more generations will be left..

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