Road Killer Cultivation Record - 01

I complained in my blog that the coach of the school bus didn't blame me. Finally, half a month ago, I made a cruel remark. If it doesn't work out well, I will go to other places to register myself. It means that he wants to ask him to return the money. Of course, he doesn't want me to return the money, which means that after receiving the money for three months, no one is willing to leave it.

It was decisive and effective. The coach promised to give me a reply on the same day, and then he really replied to me that day. He proposed a remote exam, which was much shorter. Basically, it could be done in 3-4 months.

Then we agreed to leave for Hunan on the evening of the 20th, and the coach would drive by himself. He would arrive at the designated place at 10:00 that night and wait for the others for half an hour. When everyone was ready, he would drive.

The whole journey is more than 500 kilometers. Because it is driving at night and only the coach is driving, it is the first time to go, so it is naturally a little slow. At 4:30 in the morning, I went to a service area in Hunan to have a rest. I slept on the bus for about 90 minutes, and it was almost light. Continue to drive again. It is already 7:00 when I arrive at the designated place. I will soon take it to a traffic police brigade to register information, register and have a physical examination.

For physical examination, you need to fill in the form first, then pay the money, and then go upstairs to test your eyesight.

During the payment process, only one person was writing the receipt manually, and then there were N people in the front row. Most of them were handled by one person for several people, so it took one hour to hand in the payment process.

When measuring the elevation, you don't need to test. You can report as much as you want, and then write it down for you.

It's a new instrument for testing eyesight. I don't know how to do it, and then it hangs up. I can't see that piece of junk with my 5.0+vision for many years. Later, I thought that this should be a setup of money digging. Later, the local people didn't know what to do. They said that they would help us solve the problem, but they naturally wanted to pay extra money later.

 Driver integrated tester

When I found this similar thing on the Internet, the equipment I used on that day was not as high-end as it seems. The name of the instrument is: driver comprehensive tester

Then there is the so-called color blindness test. In fact, I think that since there is an instrument test in front, the latter is a bit redundant. But then I thought, if not, how can I generate income? I can understand why we should do this.

 Color blindness test

After doing this, after taking photos, we settled the medical examination. At noon, we were taken to have a meal, had a rest, and returned to Guangzhou by car. It's more than 6 hours' drive again, and my butt hurts...

About 1-2 weeks later, I will take the written test again, and try to read the test questions


see driving license Related articles for

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Comment list (21)

  1. Congratulations to the killer! Fortunately, you are not in Xinjiang... So I don't have to hide.

    1. Don't you go to Xinjiang for me?

      1. Lots of security checks~

  2. reply Tikezhi Tikezhi

    What are you looking at!!! Download a driving school directly, recognize the traffic signs and so on one by one, and then finish the more than 1000 questions from the beginning to the end. If you are wrong or can't do it, just look at the explanation in the comment area to see where you don't understand or learn well, then put it in the favorites and collect it, and finally do the wrong questions in the favorites, Repeat until the conditional response is correct, and then kick the questions out of the favorites. In the end, the favorites are the questions you are most likely to make mistakes. Just watch them more times. It's no use reading books. I got full marks for my subject. In addition, if the following situations occur in the question, it is generally OK to choose directly: slow down if you can slow down, yield if you can, and safety if you can

    1. Thanks for sharing. What I'm looking at now is the driving school book in the mobile phone, which is to do those questions

  3. So it was good to take the driving license test early, although there was no car to drive at that time.

    1. At that time, there was no such idea. Besides, there was no money. When I just graduated, I would be extremely poor. At that time, the price was only about 3K

  4. When I applied in Beijing, I only paid for the physical examination and did nothing. The applicants asked, are you color blind? No, it's OK. Fill in your height and weight, and then you'll fall down.

    1. Everyone who can't pass is accused of 100 oceans, so I suspect this is a means of income generation. It's not that you have vision problems or color blindness, but that you don't know how to look...
      Beijing is simpler. To tell you the truth, if you are color blind, you dare to drive. If you can't tell the traffic lights clearly, you are waiting on the road

      1. The first color blindness I saw in my life was that when I was in my hometown Telecom, I was pressed by an urgent task to transform the business halls in several districts on the mountain of the city. One of the main tasks is to cut the wire. As long as the colleague installs the crystal head, 100% of the wire sequence is wrong, but he neither knows nor admits it. Later, he was forced to know that he was color blind.
        Many people know that they are color blind, but they don't care whether they will cause trouble.

        1. I met one in high school, but I'm not sure. During the physical examination, he just couldn't tell what the pattern on the paper was The physical examinee is described as weak in color

          1. If you use Chrome browser, install a Colorblinking plug-in to experience it.

  5. The driver's license test must be the best

  6. The average physical examination here is five minutes. That kind of instrument is obviously related to the unified purchase, and it doesn't matter whether it is used or not.
    Cookies are not working well again. Do I need to clear the cache?

    1. It's a little strange to meet that kind of instrument for the first time in Guangdong for so many years.
      Cookies problem. I haven't touched them since the last repair. Damn it...

  7. What kind of ghost driving school is this? Seeing you say that, I feel very depressed... Did you meet a black driving school?

    1. In order to get the certificate quickly, we will cooperate with the driving schools in other places to get the students to take the test in other places. But you have to earn some extra money in other places

  8. It's so complicated to take a test in a different place. I have to drive so far. It seems that I have to go back and forth several times. It's troublesome

    1. Anyway, it's not me who drives. It's just a little hard to sit. In order to get the certificate earlier, there is no way. In Guangzhou, I have to wait all the time.

  9. I just registered for driving test last Friday.

    1. Congratulations, you fell into the pit of driving test

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