Don't ask if you can't understand confidential matters

It hasn't been updated for several days at once. A week has passed since the filing was submitted, but it hasn't been reviewed, so I'm not in the mood to write articles.

Dear management bureau audit elder brother and elder sister, can you quickly audit? In fact, I don't understand your working mechanism, but does it really take that long? Review at different levels or read one word a day? Or is your business volume so huge that you are really busy?

I don't understand, nor dare to ask, that's confidential...

I just read Inoreader, and there are ten or so blogs subscribed to it, and even a few of them have been updated, not all of them today (I haven't read them for several days).

The weather suddenly turned cold. Before leaving for work in the morning, I felt the temperature today on the balcony and found it a little cold. So I put on my long sleeved shirt. At lunch, a colleague asked me why I started wearing long sleeves.

Brother calmly said, can Uncle compare with you? Older

Indeed, the whole office is almost my oldest. The reality is so cruel.

"Brother, don't lick it, it's the place to pee." My sister begged in a low voice, and Xiaoqiang ignored her.

"Brother, you can't lick it. It's dirty!" Sister's voice trembled, and Xiaoqiang continued to lick intently.

"Brother, if you lick your parents again, you will come back! I will tell them!"

"Go and sue!" Xiaoqiang looked back at his sister and continued to lick the toilet...

Many good people

I used the free ss provided by a doctor a long time ago. After a period of time, for some reason, the service stopped.

Later, I was forced to find some free accounts, but there were always problems with free accounts, some were unstable, and some were often changing passwords.

Later, I had to modify the host to reluctantly use Google.

Today, a friend gave me an account, and I can enjoy the online world again. Thank you!

Well, I haven't put a beauty picture at the bottom of the article for a long time



see Blog beauty Related articles for

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Comment list (44)

  1. Wolf, what grade are you? Have you taught the multiplication table yet.

  2. It's cold... 's jokes

    1. It's not colder than today

  3. I used to wear short sleeves today. After reading the article, I plan to wear a coat

    1. It dropped by 6 ℃ and suddenly felt cold

  4. reply Tikezhi Tikezhi

    It means your neighboring city is not cold, but there is some wind

    1. Guangzhou is obviously colder than yesterday

    2. The music of your blog plays automatically, scaring the bad guys

      1. reply Tikezhi Tikezhi

        I shut down the music of my blog before, but I heard the pure music of Bandari later, and thought it could purify people's hearts, so I started automatic play It seems better to turn off auto play

  5. I don't understand, nor dare to ask, that's confidential...

  6. Yesterday, I also filed a domain name. It's said that the registration is the quickest to be issued near the holidays. rub one's eyes and wait!

    1. That's what I think. But now there is only one day left for tomorrow, and the chance is a little slim...

  7. We not only wore long sleeves, but also put on a coat. The old man knew that he didn't have to support himself.

    1. Hunan has been around ten degrees, and the lowest in Guangzhou today is 19-20. There are still differences

      1. Sixteen degrees

        1. This is the real autumn. It was still 30 degrees a few days ago

  8. I thought so seven years ago. You were worried after waiting for only one week. Didn't you remind you to wait for almost 42 days? You will be worried after 1/6 of the time.

    1. If you dare to make me wait for 40 days, I will dare to cancel... I checked that in the last 1-2 years, the audit speed has basically been much faster, and only a few provinces still stay at the speed before liberation.

      1. First Alibaba Cloud, then filing.
        This time you know why my service is not in the pot (all spilled on the stove).

        1. My own things are not in Alibaba Cloud, but some of the company's business systems are in Alibaba Cloud.
          My filing is just to do some other things. There is a filing number and other things can continue.
          There's nothing wrong with your choice

          1. I thought you were moving back home

            1. My blog is currently on a domestic host (not Alibaba Cloud) and is currently being submitted for filing, so the homepage will be blocked by default. It is true that domestic hosts will be used after the record is passed. For me, the difference will not be too big, and I will be ready to withdraw at any time.

  9. I think the filing is very fast and the materials are complete. It takes about 7 working days.

    1. The time of each province is different

  10. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

    Originally, I was also the largest in the company, which was one round different from the smallest. Then the company came in several years later, in the 1970s and early 1980s, and I was at ease

    1. 12 years old is too ridiculous...

      1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

        Yes, a young man from 1997 came to interview the operation director two days ago and asked for 1W+, which didn't kill us

        1. Please come and worship as the god of wealth~

          1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

            How bold people are, how productive the land is. When I was 19 years old, I would only be poor with my sister in college

            The climax was the tease in charge of recruitment and the interview lasted two hours

            1. The annual salary of others is 12W+. Sure enough, what we lack is courage, otherwise we would have developed early...
              I think it's fun to meet for so long. I will deliberately chat with interesting people for a long time

  11. That's not what you said at the beginning when you wanted to file.
    Many people were attacked.

    1. Attacked? I don't quite understand what it means.
      Filing used to be troublesome. Since I found a personal information that can be used for filing, I have used it decisively. And will not disclose my personal information on the blog. Now I have to wait

      1. A computer room in Hong Kong encounters DDoS

        1. I understand. Maybe I left at the right time. But it seems that my server is not involved, and a website can still be opened normally

  12. Stop filing, America welcomes you

    1. I want to report to the organization that you... encouraged people to embrace the United States

  13. Everyone is busy. Updates are usually slow I want to say... The beauty at the bottom of this article is really not so good...

    1. I started to dislike beautiful women

  14. My filing is very fast, but there are many restrictions. I had two domain names that were originally intended to build a website, but according to the filing rules, they cannot be passed, so they are temporarily suspended.

    1. Guangdong??

      1. Yes, the previous space was in Alibaba Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud was mainly responsible for filing.

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