Worried about the new tricks to use every day


Yesterday, I passed the gate of China Merchants Bank after work. I was scared by the long list of people. I thought it was the ATM of China Merchants Bank that was sending money. Next to Ping An Bank, Everbright Bank, Bank of Guangzhou and China Construction Bank, there are almost no people, just so many people with deposits and withdrawals from China Merchants Bank.


There are 6-7 machines in it, and then there are more than 10 people queuing up. Why do they do this at the time of off duty. Don't come the rest of the time? And then don't get a card from another bank? All right, you win!

As for this outlet, there are a lot of people. After trying to do business at the counter here, I waited for a long time. Finally, I couldn't help but go to other places and get it done quickly.

Postal service is so unpopular

The front desk bought a small item in a treasure and received it yesterday. It was attracted by the words on the express bill. Is the post really so bad? It seems that the postal service is many times better than before.

 Postal service is so unpopular

Start to have a temper tantrum

From August, my daughter began to go to kindergarten (the kindergarten said that it was better to adapt a month in advance). Then she worked very hard last week. When she woke up at 8 o'clock, when she said that she would get up to go to school, she was totally excited about going to school.

At the beginning of this week, I didn't want to get up for two days. The main reason was that I stayed up a little late (I didn't fall asleep until midnight on Sunday night, and I didn't fall asleep until 11:00 last night). I didn't want to get up at about 8:00 in the morning. When I asked if I wanted to go to school, I shook my head and wanted to go to bed.

 Start to have a temper tantrum

I had no choice but to use all kinds of tricks. Yesterday I said to let my mother prick her hair, which only worked yesterday.

Today, when I continued to use it, I replied that I should not tie my hair (before going to school, I also explained directly that I should not tie my hair). I forced myself to play while brushing my teeth and face after getting up.

I don't know what to do tomorrow...


see express China Merchants Bank kindergarten Related articles for

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Comment list (24)

  1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

    My daughter also went to the kindergarten for a month, but the situation is different. She has been very active all the time

    1. Go to kindergarten in July?

      1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

        It is estimated that the kindergarten will compete for students. It will start to go in early July. After one month, it will start to have a holiday

        1. This kindergarten is really strange

  2. Ha ha, it will be better in a while. She will like kindergarten. The key is to tell the teacher to let children drink more water. Children are prone to encephalopathy at the beginning of kindergarten~

    1. Such group care and special orders are also of little use. Baby's drinking water is OK

      1. Give the teacher a red envelope, it will work~

        1. This bad habit cannot be supported

  3. reply Passer-by Passer-by

    I have the impression that every time there is a long queue, it is an ATM with deposit function, and there is no one just withdrawing money.

    1. If you see an individual saving n times, you can continue to try if the banknote is not recognized

      1. reply Passer-by Passer-by

        So every time I think, why don't the bank change all ATMs into all-in-one ones.
        There are more money withdrawal machines and less deposits. In addition, the kind of money you said is not recognized. It's really a rip off.

        1. If you meet many people, you can only let them go. This queuing is a complete waste of time.
          No more inter-bank withdrawal

  4. In other words, does CMB card charge for withdrawing money from other banks' ATM machines?
    Now children like to sleep late.

    1. Two pieces were buckled before and then returned. I don't know now

  5. If you want me to pay Alipay, you can transfer it directly to other bank cards~

    1. Some bank cards do not arrive immediately, so we have to wait. I often use this move, but there are many withdrawals to China Merchants Bank. Who can let China Merchants Bank get the account immediately

      1. Two hours, I use it all. And it's within two hours. It's fast

        1. I had to wait two hours when I wanted to get the money. I'd rather wait in line

  6. reply Tikezhi Tikezhi

    China Merchants Bank Dongfeng Road Sub branch???

    1. Keyun Road Sub branch

  7. China Merchants Bank has a large number of users, which is incomparable with other large non-state-owned banks.
    A friend who started a business before learned that opening a company requires opening an account in a bank. The services and gifts of China Merchants Bank are the best, so most of the salary cards in Beijing are from China Merchants Bank.
    In addition, the ATM of CMB is also stable. Generally, the operation can be completed within one minute without error. Sometimes it takes half a minute for the ATM of other banks to read the card. Every operation needs to wait about 10 seconds, and there is a delay of several seconds in entering the password. This is a huge difference in services, which is incomparable with other banks.
    Because I have a bank card of my hometown rural credit cooperatives, there is no service charge for any ATM withdrawal in the country, so I have been contacted by all banks' ATMs. CMB's system is stable and has many outlets.
    It is better to buy lottery tickets than to expect common people to be flexible.
    The service provided by the postal service before was very poor, the progress was undetectable, and the arrival time was uncertain. There were two times when my hometown mailed something to me. The first time it took 3.5 days, and the second time it took 28 days... Now I don't know. Postal service and EMS are still two different companies. Who can remember postal service.

    1. China Merchants Bank really has a large number of users, especially in the first tier cities (it seems that China Merchants Bank is also the main first tier cities).
      The ATM system, APP and online banking of China Merchants Bank are also very good. At least I used others, which makes a difference when compared.
      The postal service is not bad, but it's hard to say which is the slowest. Now it seems that I can't figure out how to divide the postal service.

  8. I don't think I can get much cash for a long time. Mobile payment is very convenient. I don't think I need to take my wallet when I go out.

    1. It's really convenient. Basically, you don't need to bring cash

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