Illness comes down like a mountain

Sickness is like a mountain falling down. This sentence is really true.

Yes, I fell ill these days for the simple reason that my throat caused all kinds of discomfort. Fortunately, I usually have medicine stored at home. After taking medicine for 2 days, I recovered basically.

The night before yesterday, I was basically on the verge of death, and I felt very uncomfortable. When I got back from work and cooked porridge, I directly lay down on the sofa to sleep. When I was really hungry, I got up and drank a bowl of porridge and continued to sleep. I got up in the early morning to take a bath and then continued to sleep.

 Illness comes down like a mountain

It was a little normal yesterday, but I still had a slight headache. It was also porridge last night. I had no appetite for anything else.

I have never stopped taking the medicine, but it is not too special. I don't take any messy medicine.

Today is much better, at least when swallowing the discomfort is not so strong. Both cheeks will not be uncomfortable, and the discomfort of the neck is not so strong. Yesterday, it was the same symptom as the twist of the neck.

I need food these days, mainly Zhongsheng Pill 999 Ganmao Granule, Banlangen, and two pills of Baifuning (this is a special medicine, which contains ephedrine and is required to register when buying).

Today, after eating several times, it should be basically good. It doesn't cost much. You can't get out of the hospital without going to the hospital for more than 100 yuan. First, a blood routine test, and then give you a few boxes of medicine. It's that simple.

It seems to be the flu season recently, so we should pay more attention to our health. Drink more water at ordinary times.

I caused this disease mainly because I went out on Tuesday morning. I had just drunk coffee and had not yet drunk water. My throat began to feel uncomfortable. I drank chicken bone soup at noon and went out again without drinking water. I began to feel uncomfortable at night.

Drink more water, drink more water, drink more water!!!


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Comment list (18)

  1. If you get sick, you should take more care of yourself. Influenza is different from common cold. Influenza can kill people.

    1. Now the so-called flu will not kill people, and the awareness of the masses has improved relatively

  2. Don't give up the treatment. Wish you recover

    1. Don't abandon the treatment, it's almost ready

  3. Viral, Banlangen is just a placebo.

    1. I haven't had a blood test. I'm not sure if it's viral. The symptoms have eased a lot

  4. reply Lao Yang Lao Yang

    Sickness comes like a mountain, and goes like a thread...... Take care of yourself

    1. Thank you. It's almost recovered~~

  5. It seems that drinking more water is really good medicine

    1. Yes, there can be no mistake in this. I drank less water that day

  6. Hope to get well soon.

  7. The next sentence is to recover as soon as possible.

  8. Since last 2 weeks, my son has started red eyes, acute enteritis, hands, feet and mouth, and then the family has been knocked down one by one...

    1. My child also has a cold, cough, fever, and various symptoms that have not yet fully recovered. Everyone at home is hit. Only I recovered the fastest

  9. It is necessary to keep some regular medicines at home.

  10. We should also pay attention to the body. The body is the capital of revolution

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