Call 110 for the first time

Maybe some people have talked to 110 many times. For me, today is the first time to call 110.

The thing is, my electric car was stolen downstairs.

Last night, I went out on a business trip and stopped downstairs when I came back. I always stopped like this because nothing happened. Last time, someone stole the leather mat in the back seat (when I went to the bicycle store to replace it), I didn't remove the battery.

Today is the weekend. I was the only one at home, so I didn't go downstairs. At noon and at night, I used the refrigerator to solve the problem. When it rained again, I didn't want to go out.

Until the evening when I wanted to send the express, TMD found that the car was missing!!!

My car is missing!!! TMD, There were several electric vehicles on site, but my one was missing, and the child seat was still nearby. Dog day...

Previous The car was stolen at the end of August last year This is the rhythm of making money.

Immediately go to the security room at the door to watch the surveillance video, and finally see a so-called suspect, who is actually the car thief. At 12:30 this afternoon, I rode my bike and swaggered away...

The scene video can see people, but it is not particularly clear. It can basically identify my car, and the color of the clothes of the car thief can also be recognized.

Then I called 110 and called the police. After a while, some police came over to take a look at the scene, take some photos, and then asked me to go to the police station to take notes.

I'll take a taxi. It's not far. I'll be there soon.

The person who made the record was a young man, probably a newcomer. He was learning while he was not very familiar with the program. It was early in the morning when he printed out his signature.

Before me, there was a young man who went to make a record. I probably looked at it. It was a stolen bike, and I also called the police. It seems that everything can be reported to the police.

Before the beginning of the transcript, I asked the young man who made the transcript for me whether it was possible to get it back if it was stolen. The other party replied to me, but some of them could be found. The implication was that it was unlikely...

However, no wonder, after all, there are also big and small cases. I am not a person of foreign nationality, and it is impossible to find a bike in N hours.

But I still have a little hope.

 Car thief

At the end of the year, many thieves want to go home for the Spring Festival. Everyone should protect their property, especially those who play with mobile phones on the bus, and pay more attention to thieves.


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Comment list (19)

  1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

    I had two dealings with the police station this year. The connection was stolen twice a month. 2 computers, 3 mobile phones, 1 camera, 1 watch, etc. All valuable things were ransacked. Alarm, and then eggs. So I don't want to deal with the police in my life. Maoyong doesn't have anything but a record. They won't even check if something is stolen.

    But you are not bad. The police also helped you to transfer the surveillance. I was directly asked by the police to take the report receipt and find someone to transfer the surveillance to the monitoring unit. As a result, no one will kill us.

    1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

      My current method is to spend money to eliminate disasters. I believe that pigs can climb trees rather than they

    2. I just went to the security room last night to check the monitoring, and I saw the car thief. In the morning, I received a phone call saying that I would handcuff away the surveillance, hoping to get results. There is no electric car. It's too inconvenient to go to and from work...

  2. useless. The police won't go out.
    Our wife and mother-in-law's mobile phones were stolen from the head of the Public Security Section of the Municipal Bureau.

    1. Today, I got a call saying that I copied the video in the past. I don't know how the follow-up is going. Wait

  3. There will be no progress. It's just the record. It won't be investigated

    1. There should be no following

  4. expect quietly for the good news

  5. Come and have a look

  6. I also reported to the police. At that time, my home was pried. After the alarm, two policemen came to make a record, and then... No, then

    1. My ending is just like you

  7. I can still get a call from the community police station this afternoon to inquire about the situation. Don't give me hope that the hope will finally be destroyed!!!

  8. There are so many cases every day that the police are too busy

    1. It has been handled as hopeless. If there is an accident, it will be more happy

  9. This hope is too slim.

    1. Now the mentality is as if it were gone. If there is one, it should be picked up~

  10. The police will not specifically investigate unless you lose N cars in a row.
    Although the hope is dim, it can't be said that there is no such thing. A few days ago, the news was not that someone's motorcycle was stolen for more than ten years, and finally the police found it, ha ha!

    1. Yes, I felt more hopeless in one day

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