Tencent's corporate mailbox and domain name mailbox have enough garbage

Two days ago, because the domain name used by the mailbox is Tencent's corporate mailbox, it is impossible to send a letter for no reason (it is to log in to Tencent's corporate mailbox to send a letter manually). I tried the next morning, but I still couldn't. Give up decisively!

The next day, when I switched to NetEase's corporate mailbox, I had to wait for half a day for verification. According to the usage in recent days, the only thing better than Tencent's mailbox is that SMTP can still be sent normally. But sending and receiving emails on the interface is rubbish! The experience of 163126 is not a bad step. The browser is refreshed and OH NO! Session expires. Login again.

It's really speechless. If you can't provide it, don't provide it. Of course, isn't it too much to ask others to confiscate your money?

Well, I won't say much about it.

When you are at ease, you can find qq.com and 163.com. Note that SMTP cannot be used for these!

Yingle Children's Shoes left a message for me, saying that I had already registered to use Ali's mailbox, but I had never used it. Today, I went to have a try.

 Tencent's corporate mailbox and domain name mailbox have enough garbage

It's good not to try. I found that the TMD experience was very good. After verifying mx for seconds, set SMTP to send a message quickly.

But here comes the problem, return the letter!!!

The letter was rejected by the disgusting guy Tencent.

 Tencent's corporate mailbox and domain name mailbox have enough garbage

After checking what the email address of the return letter is used, the results are Tencent domain name email address and Tencent corporate email address... kidding me?

 Tencent's corporate mailbox and domain name mailbox have enough garbage

Is this related to my previous use of Tencent email? Why is that? Continue to check the reason for returning the letter.

reply:550 Mailbox unavailable or access denied

Find the reason through this error message, and I am speechless [see link ]

Error reason: The recipient you want to send has received a large number of messages in a short time. To avoid malicious attacks, it is temporarily prohibited to send messages to the recipient.  

Suggestions for improvement: Pause sending messages to the recipient and try again later.

I can't figure out what Tencent wants


see tencent Enterprise mail mail Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link: https://itlu.net/articles/2216.html

Comment list (13)

  1. Tencent apparently forgot that if you don't die, you won't die

    1. Try to use this product less in the future

  2. Tencent Corporate Mail seems to intercept some mailboxes named no reply, and needs to check them by itself every time

    You can try a different email name

    1. Thanks for reminding me. It has been replaced

  3. This kind of free service is not good, and the 163 one is the same. You don't want to return it!

    1. I feel much better with Ali now

  4. I have always used NetEase's corporate mailbox. Because it is handled by the mobile phone, I am not dissatisfied with anything.

    1. Is the mobile phone more advanced? And the web is poorly done?

  5. I use the domain name mailbox to bind to the QQ mailbox, which is ok for the time being.

    1. Do you use it to send messages via SMTP?

  6. It's true that Tencent is not easy to use.

  7. The Alibaba Cloud email I used with the recommendation of others is very easy to use~~~

    1. I now use Alibaba Cloud's enterprise mailbox. At present, it is very good.

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