chain reaction

1. Cancellation of the company's regular buses -- For some reasons, the company's regular buses have been cancelled since August. This is a very painful thing. Since then, going to work is a very difficult thing. Because the place where I live is more than 10km away from the company, I have to find another way. What I want to do is ride my own motorcycle.

2. Cycling to work -- Since the company's regular bus is canceled, I can only take bus or bike to work. I choose the latter, so I will ride my own bike to work from August 3.

3. A flat tire on a bicycle -- I was careless in checking the tire, so on the way to work on the Double Seventh Festival, the front tire blew out. In fact, the night before last, I pumped up my bicycle. I didn't notice the tire condition at that time, otherwise I wouldn't have sent a message about a flat tire.

4. Abandon the car to go to work -- In the work map, I was almost at the company, but the tire blew out. In order to get to work quickly, I abandoned the car and changed to bus, locking my bike on the road. I thought it would not be so unlucky to be stolen, and it was still a bicycle with a flat tire and two locks.


5. Tanabata work overtime -- on DOG day, a customer just came over and continued to talk after work. It was almost 8 o'clock before the end of the business. I think I won't pick up the bike at this late hour, and I can't find a place to repair the bike at this late hour. I will pick up the bike tomorrow.

6. Found the car lost -- the next day on the way to work, I passed the place where I put my bike, and found the car missing! be missing!! be missing!!! A broken car has been stolen. I'll go there.

7. Buying a bike again -- because the bike was stolen, I had to buy it again, and I had to spend hundreds of yuan.

Cardiac tamping



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Comment list (18)


    1. What are you trying to say

  2. Go and change your nationality. I said that I would find the car if I didn't order it.

    1. Do you know where you can apply for fake certificates?

  3. The blogger is very interesting. Let's nervously read your several "link reactions". Finally, the last welfare.

    1. It's really a domain name. Finally, it should be relaxed

  4. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

    All right, your car has been collected by me. Come here with the money

    1. What's your address? I have called the police!

  5. It's your day, dog

    1. It's worse than that. This week, I have to take the bus to work and wait for the bike on Taobao to arrive

  6. Sympathize with you

    Actually, you can buy an electric car and drive it

    1. I had a plan. I finally bought a bike

  7. I came to see beautiful women.

    1. Can you stop being so direct?

  8. Once when I was riding in the wild, I suddenly encountered a flat tire. I stopped to see the telephone for tire repair on the street lamp pole

    1. A few years ago, I also went to work by bike. The tire blew out on the way, and someone repaired the bike less than 50 meters away. I thought it was so considerate, so I was punished and changed the forum. A few days later, there was another problem at the same location, but I still met the same person. I suspected that he was throwing nails on the road, and I did not repair them...

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