Cross account payment is not allowed for WeChat payment

First of all, I would like to say that without the diamond, don't work on porcelain.

WeChat payment, in addition to the large number of users and strong connections between users, is really a piece of shit! Really, a piece of shit!!!

I don't know who stipulated that only the service number can use WeChat payment. In addition, many times, many application links, if they come out of the subscription number, will eventually go to the payment page. OH SHIT! Cross account payment is not allowed.

Nima is a devious thinking. Do you want to get the information of the public account? In this case, these parameters cannot be fixed as a pass parameter when opening the API interface, instead of getting your origin. This must be what the devil wants.

If you want to share someone else's page that can be paid, you will not be able to pay in the payment phase.

Why does Alipay not appear? I just can't understand why WeChat payment is such a fool! There is no denying that Tenpay itself is also very stupid! Well, it's Maozi!

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Comment list (18)

  1. Nice picture

    1. I know you came here for the purpose of drawing

  2. Alipay is powerful.

  3. I only used Alipay

  4. The mechanism is different

    1. I hate WeChat payment more and more...
      Want to see the picture? , That's all I can do

  5. Still used to Alipay

  6. I used to use Alipay, which was dug by the tradition the day before yesterday, to cause paralysis

    1. Free to help you remove the comment content of the website, thank you!

  7. It's better to look at the picture directly

  8. See payment and pictures. Is there any connection between them?

    1. No contact. But I know many people prefer to look at pictures

  9. I came here for pictures. I'm not interested in WeChat payment.

    1. The purpose cannot be so strong

  10. Although WeChat payment became popular during the Spring Festival in 2015, its payment share was less than 10% of the market

  11. The beauty above, I have WeChat, can buy

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