How to treat college students' concept of consumption in advance

It is believed that many people are not unfamiliar with credit cards, and may even be very familiar with them. Some people may have multiple credit cards in their hands, and the credit limit is not low.

Yes, for a worker in society, credit cards may be really familiar. But for college students, they should also be familiar with, or have a similar concept of early consumption.

Last night, I saw a news that "college students' installment shopping and love learning loan obtained a round A financing of 40 million US dollars". It was introduced that there are some companies that provide college students with a platform for installment shopping. To put it bluntly, it is to encourage college students to go shopping by stages through this platform (I guess they charge a certain commission).

 How to treat college students' concept of consumption in advance

What I want to say is that where has the integrity of these enterprises gone? Not all college students have rich families, but only a small part of them. College students from rich families may not need to go shopping by stages. Those who really need to shop by stages are those students who are more vain and have little money at home. They want to buy a kidney 6, a DSLR, a MAC, etc., but they don't have the money. These enterprises provide them with a platform for installment payment. But where will the money come from in the end? Not a parent??

Most college students have no income but only expenditure during their school years. Because their main task is learning. Some students will take advantage of the weekend to do part-time jobs, which is understandable, to say the least, is to spend their own money. If not, do you want to go to these platforms to make installment payment and buy those "luxury" products you want?

In the past, the bank didn't give credit cards to college students because they generally didn't have the ability to pay back the money. The guarantee was also made by the school. If they didn't pay back, they would deduct their graduation certificates and so on. But now some banks have lost their integrity, and no one will refuse them.

Now there are more and more platforms for college students to take loans, run credit cards and pay by installments. I hope that college students can spend rationally and not be overwhelmed by temporary passion.


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Comment list (8)

  1. What the bank wants is performance. As long as we have a little contact with the school, those who do not pay back the money will not be issued graduation certificates, and parents will not obediently hand over the money? No risk!
    When school integrity is tested

    1. If it is a loan to pay tuition fees, it is more humanistic. But the school should not guarantee the purchase of some expensive consumer goods.

  2. I remember getting a credit card when I was in graduate school. At that time, it was also to change a computer. I still remember that college students were under great pressure at that time. It was really easy for them to suffer when they used such a business.

    1. It will be a disaster. Most students are still parents, if the family income is not good. I really don't know how to say it.
      I have a friend who bought a mobile phone at the meeting just after graduation, paid by installments, and finally borrowed 200 yuan every month...

  3. It's not good for college students to make installment payment. After all, college students have no financial resources!

  4. Now as long as we can make money, whether students or old people will go to these businesses!

  5. The most terrible thing is that students have no idea of repayment. Many overdue payments will affect personal credit, and no loan will be issued to buy a house in the future

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