
I have heard a lot of lectures from others before. I always listen to all kinds of people giving lectures on the platform, holding meetings, etc. This time, it's finally my turn to train in the real sense, which is to help others do training.

Here's the thing. When the company took over a project, I went on several errands. Well, it has been several days.


Then I received a notice last night that today we will give a training to the staff of the relevant departments of the customer. In fact, colleagues have come to the site for training earlier, and they may require re training for various reasons. So, I was the only one on the scene. In order to save costs, of course, I did it. In addition, I am familiar with the system, so I can at least speak well.

The notice I received last night was originally intended to start this afternoon, but I need to be familiar with the system again because I have a lot of materials to prepare. So, the time is set to start at 6:30 tonight. It was already 6 o'clock after work. I hurried to have a meal, hurried back to the training place and started the so-called training.

Due to time constraints, try to compress the content. The details are basically ignored, just the process. Then, from 6:40 to 9:10, the time is just two and a half hours, which seriously conforms to the set time.

However, I felt pretty good this time. Because I know the system well and don't know the details, I can still pass this test.

After that, hurry back to the dormitory, take a shower and wash clothes, or there will be no hot water soon.

As I was in a hurry to eat tonight, I didn't have enough to eat. I talked for another 150 minutes and soon became hungry. I had to go to bed quickly.

Try to make things clear in the morning and return to Guangzhou in the afternoon!


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Comment list (6)

  1. Training is sometimes very boring

    1. For me, it's a kind of experience. The next day, I asked some people who have good relationships and said that they could not understand what I was saying...

  2. Busy on business!

  3. In fact, training is just one thing. I haven't been a trainer yet, and I feel very advanced. When I really have the chance to go on stage, I feel that's just one thing

  4. It depends on what kind of content it is. If they use it every day, even if you don't speak well, customers will ask questions to make the class complete. If they can't use something they are not interested in, even if they talk too much, it will be zero

    1. Yes, because it is task oriented. So it's basically over

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