Is the product manager the project manager?

The company has accepted a project, so everyone is busy. All kinds of overtime and business trips make everyone very angry. Yes, no one wants to work overtime, neither do I. But as a practitioner, there are some things you have to do if you don't want to do them.

In a simple way, many people should know that urban sanitation workers get up early in the morning to do sanitation work, and they have to clean the streets in the hot sun at noon. Do you think they are willing? Their wages are still very low! But there is no way. For the sake of life, this is the society and the status quo.

The project manager is destined to follow the project. I haven't seen the project manager who doesn't need to work overtime! If your company has any, please contact me, thank you!

If the product manager has all the conditions and project control, he will be a project manager if he is willing. Why do you work as a project manager? Some people (including me) may feel that whether there is a project commission or not. I don't know. I hope that the insiders will tell me.

On the other hand, the more things you know, the more trouble you will have. There is nothing wrong with that. Of course, this can keep your job. If you have worked in a company for a long time and still don't understand anything, where do you think your leaders will keep you for dry food? Oh, except for related accounts.

Recently, I have stayed in the customer's company for a long time. I always have various experiences, and there will be various comparisons and "requirements".

Today is Saturday, the customer's company still has to work normally, so I can only go to work with it. Who called me resident.

Well, that's all about complaining. There's nothing else to say.

It's too hard. Let's go to the last picture



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Comment list (2)

  1. Come here. Our project manager never works overtime. He is the only PM in the company who never works overtime. Because our PL is very good, ha ha!

    1. However, it is not allowed to access the Internet...

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